The Large Hadron Collider, LHC (Large Hadron Collider English LHC) is a particle accelerator and collider located at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN, an acronym for its former name in French: Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) near Geneva on the Franco-Swiss border. It was designed to collide beams of hadrons, protons more accurately, up to 7 TeV of energy, its main purpose being to examine the validity and limits of the Standard Model, which is currently the theoretical framework of particle physics, which is known rupture energy levels high.
collider Within two beams of protons are accelerated in opposite directions up to 99.99% the speed of light, and makes them collide to produce very high energies (albeit at subatomic scales) that would simulate some events occurring immediately after the big bang.
The LHC is the accelerator larger particles and energy in the world.1 Use the tunnel 27 km in circumference created for the Large Hadron Collider Electron and Positron (LEP English) and more than 2000 physicists from 34 countries and hundreds of universities and laboratories involved in its construction .
Once cooled to its operating temperature, which is 1.9 K (less than 2 degrees above absolute zero, or -271.15 ° C), the first particle beams were injected on August 1, 2008 , 2 and the first attempt to circulate them throughout the course of the collision occurred on 10 September in the year 2008.3 Although the first high energy collisions were initially provided on 21 October 2008.4 The experiment was postponed due to a malfunction that caused the leak of liquid helium that cools one of the superconducting magnets.
end of 2009 was re-launch, and on 30 November of that year became the most powerful particle accelerator to achieve energies of 1.18 TeV in their beams, beating the previous record of 0.98 TeV Tevatron estadounidense.5 established by 30 March 2010 the first collisions of protons in the LHC reach an energy of 7 TeV (when colliding two beams of 3.5 TeV each) which meant a new record for this type of trials. The collider will operate at half performance for two years after which it plans to bring it to its maximum power of 14 TeV.6
Theoretically this instrument is expected to confirm the existence of the particle known as Higgs boson, sometimes called "God particle" 7 or "particle mass. " The observation of this particle would confirm the predictions and "missing links" of the Standard Model of physics, being able to explain how other elementary particles acquire properties such as
masa.8 Design CMS Collaboration.
Verify the existence of the Higgs boson would be a significant step in pursuit a grand unified theory, which aims to link three of the four known fundamental forces, leaving outside only the gravity. Furthermore, this boson could explain why gravity is so weak compared with the other three forces. Next to the Higgs boson could also cause other new particles that were predicted theoretically, and for which the search is planned, 9 as strangelets, micro black holes, magnetic monopoles and supersymmetric particles

accelerator chain of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
experiments will accelerate protons to have an energy of 7 TeV each (being the total collision energy of 14 TeV). 5 are being built for the LHC experiments. Two of them, ATLAS and CMS particle detectors are large general purpose. The other three, LHCb, ALICE and TOTEM, are smaller and specialized. The LHC can also be used to collide heavy ions such as lead (the collision energy of 1150 will have a TeV). Physicists hope the LHC will provide answers to the following questions:
The significance of the mass (we know how to measure but do not know what is really)
The mass of the particles and their origin (in particular, if the Higgs boson)
The origin of the mass of baryons
total number of particles of the atom
A know why elementary particles have different masses (ie, if the particles interact with the Higgs field)
95% of the mass of the universe is not made of matter we know and are expected to know what matter is
dark The existence of supersymmetric particles
If extra dimensions, as predicted by various models inspired by string theory, and, if so, why have not been able to perceive
If there are more violations of symmetry between matter and antimatter
recreate the conditions that caused the Big Bang11
The LHC is a project of immense size and huge engineering task. While you're on, the total energy stored in the magnets is 10 gigajoules and 725 Megajoules beam.

Party LHC tunnel beneath the LHC P8, near the LHCb.
computing network computing (Grid Computing in English) of the LHC is a distribution network designed by CERN to handle the huge amount of data to be produced by the Large Hadron Collider. Incorporates its own fiber-optic links as part of high-speed Internet.
The data stream provided from the detectors is estimated at approximately 300 Gb / s, which is filtered looking for "interesting events", resulting in a flow of 300 Mb / s. The computer center at CERN, considered "Tier 0" of the network connection has a dedicated 10 Gb / s.
project is expected to generate 27 terabytes of data per day, more than 10 TB of "abstract." This data is sent out from CERN to eleven academic institutions in Europe, Asia and North America, which are "row 1" processing. Another 150 institutions are the "Tier 2".
LHC is expected to produce between 10 to 15 Petabytes of data per year.

The LHC's CMS detector.
The construction of LHC was approved in 1995 with a budget of 2600 million Swiss francs (about 1700 million euros), along with another 210 million francs (140 million €) for experiments. However, this cost was passed in the 2001 revision of 480 million francs (300 million €) on the accelerator, and 50 million francs (€ 30m) for more under experimentos.12 Another 180 million francs (€ 120m) more have had to allocate the increased costs of superconducting magnetic coils. And there are still technical problems in building the last tunnel will be located underground where the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS). The institution's budget approved for 2008 is EUR 660,515,000 for a total of 53,929,422 euros.
The funding cuts planned for 2011 is 15 million Swiss francs in the 1,100 million euros of the total budget, which represent less than 1.5 percent of annual investment and the following year by two percent , so to save 262 million euros for 2015.
The scientific delegate of Spain at CERN, Carlos Pajares, has said that the Large Hadron Collider or LHC will not be affected by the cut in funds provided by the research institution to the economic crisis.
"All countries had said no to touch the LHC program and what was done. The director general has sent a message to the entire scientific community saying that CERN has also tightened the belt but the LHC will not to suffer, "said Carlos Pajares
helium tanks.
alarms about potential disaster
Since the projected Grand Relativistic Ion Collider (RHIC), the American Walter Wagner and Luis Sancho15 denounced the English court of Hawaii at CERN and the U.S. government, claiming that there the possibility that processes triggered operation, they said, would be capable of causing the destruction of Earth. But its position is rejected by the scientific community, as it lacks any mathematical support to support it.
reported catastrophic processes are
The formation of a stable black hole,
formation supermassive foreign matter, as stable as ordinary matter,
The formation of magnetic monopoles (under the theory of relativity) that could catalyze proton decay,
Activation of the transition to a vacuum state.
In this regard, the CERN has studied the possibility of the occurrence of disastrous events such as unstable negros16 microholes, networks, or dysfunctions magnéticas.17 The conclusion from these studies is that "there are reasonable grounds leading to these threats "18 19
In the unlikely event that created a black hole would be so infinitely small that could traverse the earth without touching a single atom, since 95% of these are empty spaces. Because of this, I could not grow and reach the space where your chance of hitting something and grow, it is even smaller. [Citation needed]
The planet Earth is exposed to natural phenomena similar or worse to be produced in the LHC.
cosmic rays reach the Earth at speeds continuously (and therefore energy) huge, even by several orders of magnitude greater than those produced in the LHC.
The Sun, due to its size, has received 10,000 times more.
Whereas all visible stars in the universe are an equal number, 1031 are achieved as the LHC experiments and is not yet observed any event as postulated by Wagner and Sancho.
During operation of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven (USA) has not seen a single strangelet. The production of strangelets in the LHC is less likely that RHIC, and experience with this accelerator has validated the argument that it can produce strangelets.
collider Timeline

Yoseph BUITRAGO CI CRF 18257871
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