El Puente Presidente Costa e Silva, más conocido como Puente Río-Niterói, se encuentra localizado en la bahía de Guanabara, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. With an area of \u200b\u200beight miles, is the longest bridge in Latin America and the seventh largest in the world, a turn communicates the municipalities of Rio de Janeiro and Niterói, part of the Brazilian highway BR-101.

The concept of a bridge that managed to save the Guanabara Bay goes back to 1875. Among the factors that drove the glimpse of this project was the distance of 100 kilometers by land separating the two cities, through the town of Magé. Thus, transport was extremely difficult and slow, and among the possible solutions to conceive were building a bridge and even a tunnel, this last proposal developed subsequently.
However, the germ of the new draft would force into the twentieth century. In 1963 he was cited a working group with the aim of studying the feasibility of a project under which it would build a road bridge. On December 29, 1965 Executive Committee was formed to create and develop the final draft of the bridge. The executive committee was composed of a consortium of two companies: Rio de Noronha Engenharia firm who prepared the draft access to the Rio de Janeiro bridge and Niterói, and the concrete bridge over the sea, and the U.S. firm Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendorf who handled the steel distance between the main supporting points, including the pillars. The engineers responsible were Anonio Alves de Noronha (son), Benjamin U.S. Ernani Diaz and James Graham.
Brazilian president Artur da Costa e Silva signed a decree on August 23, 1968 which authorized the construction of the bridge, designed by Mario Andreazza, then Minister of Transport and under whose management would complete the construction phase.
Symbolically the start of construction was the November 9, 1968, as at that date were on an official visit to Brazil the queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Britain. The proper construction began in January 1969.
The bank responsible for funding the work was the M. Rothschild & Sons. It was allowed the exclusive participation of British companies in the bidding process for the manufacture of steel beams. Therefore, to realize the work the Brazilian Finance Minister Antonio Delfim Netto, the engineer Eliseu Resende and Rothschild & Sons in London signed a document that ensured the supply of steel structures, with a length of 848m including supporting points of the beams of 200m × 300m × 200m and two additional intervals of 74 m. The cost of these structures results in a loan of approximately $ 22,000,000 (U.S. $) in British banks. If you add this value to the investment made by the Brazilian government to cover the costs for other services of the bridge, this sum amounts to 113,951,370 from Cruzeiro (NCR $) Brazilian.

In total, the investment was approximately $ 289,683,970 NCR, with the difference paid for by the issuance of Treasury Indexed Bonds in Brazil. In 1971, the procurement contract for the construction of the bridge was canceled due to delays in the works, and construction became the responsibility of a new consortium of construction companies Camargo Correa, and Constructora Mendes Junior Constructor Guanabara Rabello denomidado Consortium, with completed three years later. The consortium was responsible for the construction of concrete structures, and the architect responsible for the construction was Bruno Contarini, and his chief of construction methods Mario Vila Verde. Construction firms in steel structures were Dormann & Long, Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Montreal. Were manufactured in modules that came to Brazil by ship. A structure of them, central, was manufactured by the same manufacturers but given its size was made in the Ilha do Caju, located in Guanabara Bay, and the assembly of structures. During construction, five workers died.

Other information
The link road was completed on March 4, 1974, with a full extension of 13.29 km, of which 8.83 km are on the water Guanabara Bay, and its highest point reaching 72 feet high and run on it about 140,000 vehicles per day in normal flows as the concessionaire of the bridge, Ponte SA. Is currently regarded as the largest pre-stressed concrete bridge in the Southern Hemisphere and the seventh largest bridge in the world. For 1974 managed to be the second longest bridge in the world, surpassed only by the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in the United States. In 1985, with the opening of Penang Bridge in Malaysia snatched the Rio-Niterói Bridge as second place. By the time of its inauguration, it was expected that the investment would be recovered through the profits from tolls within eight years, and the user should continue to pay the fixed value after liquidation debt that kept the Brazilian State. The rates at the time of its opening were 2.00 Cruzeiro (Cr $) for motorcycles, Cr $ 20.00 for buses and trucks and three-axis normal and Cr $ 70.00 for trucks with six axles.

CI Yoseph BUITRAGO 18257871 CRF
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