Two brothers traveled together, around noon spread themselves in the woods to rest.
When they awoke, they saw near them a stone with an inscription, the decoded and this was what they read:
"To whoever finds this stone walk through the woods to the east; find their way into a river it crosses, to the other side will see a bear with her cubs, who take the cubs and escape to the mountain without looking back. You'll see a house, and find the happiness that house. "
Then said the smallest to largest:
" Come together, maybe we can cross the river, take the cubs, taking them to the house and find both joy.
But the biggest replied: "No
go in search of bears, and I advise you to do so. First, because no proof of the veracity of the inscription, which perhaps is a joke, and second, because it is very possible that we have misread, and third, while admitting that's the truth, spend the night in the forest, the river will not find us astray. And even if Hallasan the river, can we pass? Perhaps it is too wide and swift current. But, as you pass, you think easy thing to take over the cubs? The bear we slit her throat and instead of happiness, find death. Moreover, although consiguiéramos seize the cubs, we would not be possible to escape without descansásemos only after having reached the mountain. Finally, there is what happiness is found in that house, perhaps it is a happiness than anything we can do.
And the younger brother said:
"I'm not your opinion, no object that was not written on this stone. The meaning of the inscription is clear and precise. Of course, do not run as much risk. Second, if we can not let another discover this stone, find the joy in our place and we do not get anything. On the other hand, nothing gets in the world without effort. And besides, I do not want to spend a coward.
To which the elder brother said:
"You know the proverb:" The greed breaks the sack 'or the other one: "A bird in hand than a hundred in the air."
the child replied:
"And I've heard:" Nothing ventured nothing gained " and again: "Under a stone still no water flows." But I think it's time to leave.
marched the child and the other was.
Further afield, in the forest, the child found a river, he went through, and along the shore saw a bear sleeping, took the cubs and without turning his head, ran up the mountain.
As he reached the top, a crowd of people came to him and transportole to the city, where he was appointed king.
reigned five years, the sixth, another sovereign stronger than him, declared war, seized the city and expelled him.
So younger brother missed again and returned to the house of the eldest, who lived peacefully in the country, rich or poor.
Both brothers felt much like telling your life.
"Well see," the Major said to him that I was right. I've lived without incident, and you, you were king, think how your life was troubled.
the child answered: "No regret
my adventure in the forest, certain that now I am nothing, but I have to embellish my old age, a heart full of memories, while you do not have them.
(Leo Tolstoy)
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