There once was a woodcutter who went to work in a timber. The pay was good and even better working conditions, so the lumberjack set out to do a good job.
The first day was presented to the foreman, who gave him an ax and assigned an area of \u200b\u200bforest.
He enthusiastically went into the forest to clear.
cut in a single day eighteen trees.
"Congratulations," said the foreman. Keep it up.
Encouraged by the words of the foreman, the woodcutter was determined to improve their own work the next day. So that night he went to bed early.
The next morning, before anyone else got up and went to the forest.
Despite their best efforts, failed to cut more than fifteen trees.
"I must be tired, he thought. He decided acostarsecon sunset.
At dawn, got up determined to beat his mark of eighteen trees. However, that day was not even half.
next day they were seven, then five, and the last day spent the whole afternoon trying to clear the second tree.
disturbed by what I would say the foreman, the woodcutter was to tell him what was happening to him and swear and perjure to be making efforts to the limits of weakness.
The foreman asked, "when you sharpen your ax last?".
- Sharpen? I have not had time to sharpen: I've been too busy clearing trees.
What important things we are missing?
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