Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cubefield For An Ipod Touch


From time immemorial the Hindu teachers have stressed the need to stay connected with the angle of both the pleasant stillness as unpleasant. They always called fairness, it is clear that energy that allows us to be ourselves in spite of the contingency and vicissitudes, as in the outside world everything is fluctuating.

The disciple diligently took months to receive spiritual teaching mentor. One day, suddenly, the eyes looked amestro the disciple and said

- I know as death.

The disciple was puzzled. I did not understand anything.

- I do not understand, master hesitated do you mean?

The teacher smiled. It was the smile that has reached deep calm.

- My dear, "he said, approach the nearest cemetery, with all the strength of your young and strong lungs, begin shouting all sorts of praise for the dead.

Although shocked, the indications of continued discipleship mentor and went to the cemetery. He started shouting for several minutes to praise the dead. He then returned to the teacher, who asked

- answered by the dead?
- Nothing, master, have not responded at all.
- Okay. Well, now returns to the cemetery and start insulting the dead. It did

disciple. Once at the cemetery began to shout insults at the dead and then returned with the master.

- answered by the dead?
- Nothing, "replied the disciple. Nothing at all.

And the master said

- So you always have to be as one dead, or indifferent to praise and insults.

Master says:

The praise you today, tomorrow you can insult, the insult you today, tomorrow you can flatter. Indifferent to compliments and insults.

(From "Indian Tales" by Ramiro Calle)


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