It was then able to address the sage said: - "I have told the people that you are a powerful and inclusive can do miracles. "
-" I'm an old and tired ... how do you think I could do miracles? responded.
- "I have told you heal the sick, make the blind see and come back sane to the insane ... those miracles can only make someone very powerful."
- "Do you mean that? ... You have said, such miracles can only make someone very powerful ... not an old man .. Those miracles God does, I just ask a favor granted sick or for the blind and anyone who has enough faith in God can do the same.
-I want to have the same faith to perform the same miracles that you do ... show me a miracle to believe in your God.
At the insistence of the man powerful, the wise accept show three miracles. And so, looking calm and without any movement asked
- "This morning the sun came out again?
"Yes, of course.
"Well, there you have a miracle ... the miracle of light.
"No, I want to see a miracle, the sun sets, draws water from a stone ... look, there's an injured rabbit next to the sidewalk, touch and heal their wounds.
- Want to see a miracle? It is true that your wife just gave birth a few days ago?.
- Yes! was male and he is my firstborn.
"Here is the second miracle, the miracle of life.
-wise ... you do not understand me, I see a real miracle.
- Are not we at harvest time?, Is there wheat and sorghum where only a few months ago there was land?
"Yes, like every year.
"Well, there you have the third miracle ...
"I think I have explained, what I want ...
His words were cut by the sage, who believes that man's obstinacy and make sure not to understand the wonder that exists in all that he had shown, stated: "I have explained
well, I did everything could do for you if what you find is not what you want, sorry to disappoint you, I've done everything I could do.
said, the powerful landowner withdrew, very disappointed for not having found what he wanted. The scientist and his student were standing on the sidewalk. When the powerful landowner was too far away to see what did the sage and his student, the scholar went to the edge of the sidewalk, took the rabbit, he breathed on him and his wounds were healed, the young man was somewhat disconcerted
"Master, I have seen miracles like this almost every day, why you refused to show him the gentleman an '
-which sought was not a miracle but a show, I showed him three miracles and could not see them. To be king must first be a prince, to become a teacher must first be a student ... you can not ask great miracles if you have not learned to appreciate the little miracles that you show every day.
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