A warm evening. Swallows play having the sky in the background. The wise grandfather walks satisfied with his grandson. A child is alive and awake, full of spiritual concerns, eager for answers.
Grandfather - says breaking the perfect silence of the afternoon - when the body dies, what happens?
- The body dies, but the Self never dies. He is the Self of the whole universe. It is the subtle essence of the whole world.
- Oh, Grandpa! - Laments the boy - do not quite understand. Can you explain better?
- Grab a fruit of that tree.
The boy, hurried, catches it and brings it in his hands.
- Take off the shell - the grandfather says: What do you see?
- The fruit.
- Open the fruit. What do you see?
- Grains.
- Opens a grain. What do you see?
- Tiny pimples.
- Open a. What do you see?
- Nothing, dear grandfather, nothing.
And the grandfather says: That subtle essence which you do not see is the Self keeps up the big tree. It keeps us alive to you and me. Makes the river flow and the fire burn. Encourages all wide open spaces. You, my darling, my beloved grandson, do not see that subtle essence, but it's there ...
The child, satisfied, took her hand trembling and aged in his beloved grandfather. Peacefully merged with the horizon as the sugar melts into the water.
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