Monday, March 21, 2011

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El Diamante

Once upon a time, long ago, a King who lived in Ireland.
At that time, Ireland was divided into many small kingdoms and the kingdom of
that King was one among those many. Both the King and the kingdom
were not known, and nobody paid much attention.

But one day, King inherited a large diamond of incomparable beauty of a relative who had died
. It was the largest diamond ever known.
left stunned all who were lucky enough to behold. Other
Reyes began to notice this king because if he had a diamond as
, he ought to be something unusual.

The King had the gem set out in a glass case for all that
would, might come to admire. Naturally, a well-armed guards kept
this unique diamond under constant surveillance.
Both the King and the kingdom prospered, and King
attributed to the diamond its good fortune.

One day, one of the guards, nervous, requested permission to see the King. The Guardian
shaking like a leaf. King gave the terrible news: he had appeared
a defect in diamond. It was a crack appeared
right in the middle of the jewel. The King was horrified and went running to the place
that housed the glass case to see for himself
deterioration of the jewel.

was true. The diamond had suffered a hairline fracture in his gut,
defect plainly visible to the outside of the jewel.
decided to call all the jewelers in the kingdom to ask his opinion and advice, but only
gave him bad news. They assured him that the defect in the gem was so deep that if they tried
remedied only thing that would get would be wonderful
lost all its value, and if they risked
split it in half to get two precious stones, gem
could in all likelihood, break into millions of fragments.

While King meditated deeply on those two only sad
options open to them, a jeweler, an old man, who had been the last to arrive
, approached him and said:

- If you give me a week to work in the gem, you may be able

At first the King gave no credence to his words, because the other jewelers were completely safe
inability to fix it.
Finally the King relented, but with one condition: the jewel
should not leave the royal palace. The old man seemed fine jeweler king's desire.
He was a good place to work, and also accepted
that some guardians monitor their work from outside the door of the makeshift workshop,
while he was working on the jewel.

still costing you a lot, having no other option, the King gave the
offer good old jeweler. Every day, he and the guards walked
nervous at the door of that room. They heard the noise of
stone working tools with very mild shock and friction.
They wondered what he was doing and what would happen if the old

After week agreed the old man left the room. The King and the guards rushed
within the same work for the mysterious
jeweler. The King is moved to tears of joy. The crown jewel
had become incomparably more beautiful and valuable
than before! The old man had engraved on the diamond a perfect rose, and the crack
jewel that once divided in half, had become the stem of the rose
. Put
love the things you do and things make sense.
remove them love and became empty.

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A famous swordsman of Japanese swords, said to the Zen adept, he ran to the master Dukuon and said, not without a slight air of triumph, that everything that existed was a vacuum that nothing distinguished the self of you, etc. The master listened a moment in silence, then picked up his pipe and swatted the soldier in the skull.
The man jumped up, grabbed his sword and threatened the man.
"Well," he said calmly. the void is soon fly off.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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The Woodman Efficient Vacuum

There once was a woodcutter who went to work in a timber. The pay was good and even better working conditions, so the lumberjack set out to do a good job.

The first day was presented to the foreman, who gave him an ax and assigned an area of \u200b\u200bforest.

He enthusiastically went into the forest to clear.

cut in a single day eighteen trees.

"Congratulations," said the foreman. Keep it up.

Encouraged by the words of the foreman, the woodcutter was determined to improve their own work the next day. So that night he went to bed early.

The next morning, before anyone else got up and went to the forest.

Despite their best efforts, failed to cut more than fifteen trees.

"I must be tired, he thought. He decided acostarsecon sunset.

At dawn, got up determined to beat his mark of eighteen trees. However, that day was not even half.

next day they were seven, then five, and the last day spent the whole afternoon trying to clear the second tree.

disturbed by what I would say the foreman, the woodcutter was to tell him what was happening to him and swear and perjure to be making efforts to the limits of weakness.

The foreman asked, "when you sharpen your ax last?".

- Sharpen? I have not had time to sharpen: I've been too busy clearing trees.

What important things we are missing?
