CH Globalization
Instruction vs. Globalization.
Vocational Education and Labour Market
Can a country be inserted in the digital economy with 40 million people in extreme poverty?
The effects of globalization on education in Mexico
disinformation, if not total absence of information to the public has played an important role in this process.
pressures to influence a cultural shift in favor of foreign interests, are being felt with ever more intense.
In education policies are set the Mexican education system to meet the requirements of the international division of labor. Definition
Globalization is a theory of free access to all companies, to all markets on equal terms and is also a reality that is perceived large concentrations of economic power inevitably influences on the cultural and social. Seven
global trends - rewards more prepared with more opportunities, while relegating to the unprepared or incompetent to poorly paid jobs.
Openness and economic interdependence
Advances in telecommunications technology and unprecedented.
information Globalization
Globalization of finance and investment.
"foreign direct investment or portfolio?
Proliferation of democracy
Education Modernization
The components of the modernization of education are:
The removal of the federal state of education through administrative decentralization and federalization.
The privatization of education through the policy of free cost-sharing.
attention to the marginalized population through compensatory programs.
Marginalization of unions in decision-making in basic education.
An explicit link between production and the educational system in education basic and higher levels of student demand channeling towards technical careers and the creation of the Technological Universities (UTE).
highlights the emphasis placed on the quality of education rather than educational coverage.
contrasts with the concept of compulsory and free, stellar in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, while in the XXI century and are quality, equity, participation and efficiency. Since 1982 the Mexican government's education policy has shifted to education in that sense referred to modernize.
impact of globalization and education in Mexico
The consequences, in the last two decades in the field of culture and education, are devastating, one of which is the socialconformismo, characterized by disorganization of thought, the discouragement of reason and the discrediting of the theory. The
and inhibition will generate awareness submissive behavior to power and order.
The loss of national identity and the historical horizon, which is nothing else than the recognition and identification of where they live in an unequal world, an impoverished Latin America, where a few individuals and countries concentrate wealth and where Hidden poverty or is made of the same object of pity. Effects of globalization
Education Learning throughout life, which recognizes and supports the possibility that people learn throughout life, from birth to death, intentional and planned.
Learning throughout life implies an integrated notion of learning in formal, non formal and informal approach between education and work, looking for synergies in development.
synergies arising from these, in turn, two concepts of prime importance
Competition, specifically, Work Skills
Competency-Based Education.
pattern on the job competencies (also known as professional, technical or vocational schools in different countries and agencies), in the course of the last two decades in nations across the world takes place to build systems for standardization, training , accreditation and recognition, highlighting, in this current, the countries of the European Economic Community.
In the Americas there are two cases:
Mexico: Modernization of Technical Education and Training (PMETyC), now Program Training Competency Based Human Resources (PROFORHCOM) with two components: (a) education and (b) the Council for Standardization and Certification (CONOCER), in charge of the standardization and Certification of Occupational Skills . UCAP.
USA: Commission Secretary of Labor of the U.S. for Achieving Necessary Skills (Secretary of Labor's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills, SCANS).
The interest aroused by the EBC as a key to productivity and competitiveness of individuals, organizations and societies, to help raise the quality and effectiveness education, particularly in the technical-professional, has led to important research and development initiatives in the field.
"The damage inflicted on the national public education
these arrangements-emission
budget to the hegemony of corporate interests and political reasons
bureaucracies and authorities make no noise. Unlike
of environmental pollution, public insecurity or debt problem
, disasters
public education are gradual, discreet, painless, secrets. But
around the years we can see and measure the magnitude of this disaster
silent. "
vs Instruction.
education supported by virtual education teleconferences, teleclasses, internet, information in cyberspace. Transmission Etc.
internal transformation of the person, their habits, attitudes, their way of seeing the world.
Education Humans need heat and human closeness to develop physically, intellectually and emotionally.
Metacognitive Metacognitive The trigger is the question, fill people's information is full of answers.
Information - Knowledge - Speed \u200b\u200b- Risk - Education
The role of education
current Youth
Teacher Role Civil society and the productive sector
• Lack of mechanisms to gauge customer preferences.
Only 35 percent of SMBs have some type of mechanism to gauge the preferences and / or customer satisfaction, contrasting sharply with the fact that 50 percent of them said that their main source of technical information to develop their products are their customers.
Mexico: Business Needs
• Lack of information and support for export. Mexican SMEs state that factors such as:
* The scarcity and high cost of freight
* Slow
operations * High tariffs in destination markets have limited exports
83 percent of companies do not any activity carried out to strengthen its presence abroad.
This can be seen in the chart below by sector:
Mexico: Business Needs
• Lack of information about programs and public support. The total lack of public programs is a prevailing issue in Mexican SMEs, and that 86 percent of them said, not knowing the federal support programs, state and / or municipal, and only 12.65 percent they are known, but not used. The 1.8 per cent of SMEs are known and used.
What productive activities dedicated
Economically Active Population Employed in Mexico?
Miscellaneous services (community, social and personal financial services, insurance and real estate) with a 23.
Manufacturing Activities with a 19.3%
Agricultural Activities and retail trade which recorded 17.9% and 14.7% respectively.
The Manufacturing is a sector that economists call real "tradable", ie goods that are traded abroad: in an open economy like Mexico's manufacturing producers compete both in domestic market as the external producers around the world.
and Commercial Services on the one hand, do not generate goods "traded." Their markets are, therefore, often less competitive markets or imperfect. Furthermore, particularly services, is many sometimes difficult to determine their performance in physical terms: in any case you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the revenue side and expenditure on inputs by the other. But in imperfect markets profitability and productivity are not necessarily the same. There
in Mexico 344 118 establishments engaged in manufacturing and employing 4.2 million people.
manufacturing activity that generates more jobs is the industry of metal products, machinery and equipment.
• It emphasizes the participation of women workers in textile and leather industry.
The states that have a greater number of
manufacturing facilities are state of Mexico, Mexico City and Puebla;
while those that offer more jobs are
State of Mexico, Federal District and Nuevo Leon.
• The 92.6% of manufacturing establishments in the country are micro, in counterpart only 0.9% are larger facilities.
professional profile
Education Education systems do not always have control over the growth and development of the productive sector, the opposite usually happens. Coupled with strong perspective of globalization, both labor markets and the means of mass communication process is the importance of research and teaching acquired to find solutions to the problems of the profession, which may provide new knowledge to establish further links with society and sources of employment.
Graphic Designer and Producer UNITA distinguished by creativity and research to express themselves artistically in the design, layout and production of graphics, allowing you to make known to the consumer as the products and services attractive to the companies in the industrial and commercial sector.
Graphic Designer and Producer is able to function as
* Graphic Artist * Digital Display
* Designer * Illustrator * Diagramador
* Producer * Director
editorial art and advertising agencies creative workshops
* Manager of his own creative shop or graphic
plan, organize, control, audit and / or manage businesses related to its manufacturing sector. * Advisory
projects in the field of graphic communication
As an undergraduate, and its various areas of specialization- that is part of a highly competitive environment where technology has caused a serious imbalance in the formation of expertise, the traditional tendency of priority skills in the student is in crisis. This is demonstrated
displacement faced by graduates in their early attachments to the labor market.
How is our picture?
"There are facts that disturb the human beings but the vision they have of them" Epictetus
(IV century BC) CH
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