Monday, February 28, 2011

Why Is My Urine Malodorous

What is love?

One of the children in a kindergarten class asked
  • Master ... what is love?

The teacher felt that the child deserved a response that was at the height of the intelligent question that was asked. As we were in recess, she asked her students to give a tour of the school yard and bring things to invite or to awaken love in them that feeling. Small rushed out and, when they returned, the teacher said

  • I want each one showing what it found.

The first student replied,

  • I brought this flower ... is not it good?

Then another student said

- I brought this chick I found on a bird nest ... is not it funny?

And the boys, one by one, they show to others what they had gathered in the courtyard.

When finished, the teacher noted that one of the girls had brought nothing, and had remained silent while his teammates spoke. He felt ashamed of having nothing to teach.

The teacher spoke to her:

  • right, Do you?, Have you found anything you can love?

creature timidly answered

- Sorry, ma'am. I felt I saw the flower and its perfume, I thought boot it but preferred to leave it to exhale their aroma for longer. I saw butterflies soft, colorful, but they seemed so happy that I tried to catch any. I saw the baby bird in its nest, but ..., to climb the tree, I noticed the sad look on his mother and chose to leave it there ...

So I bring with me the perfume of the flower, butterfly freedom and gratitude that I saw in the eyes of the mother bird. How I can show you what I brought?

The teacher thanked the student and excitedly told him he had been the only one to notice that what we love is a trophy and the love we carry in our hearts.

Love is something you feel.

must be sensitive to live.

(From the blog: Tales to reflect )


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