In all the prophecies written
destruction world. All the prophecies have
that man will create its own destruction.
But life forever and ever renews
also engendered a generation of lovers and dreamers,
men and women who dreamed
with the destruction of the world,
building the world of butterflies and nightingales.
came from small marked by love. Behind
daily appearance
They kept the tenderness and the midnight sun.
The mothers were crying for a dead bird
and later also found many dead
like birds.
These beings cohabited with women translucent
and left pregnant with baby and children for a winter growing green
's how carriers in the world dreams
carriers attacked ferociously talkative
prophecies of disaster.
were called deluded, romantic, utopian thinkers
said his words were old
and, indeed, they were likely because the former
paradise is at the heart of man.
wealth accumulators
feared they sent their armies against them, but carriers
dreams every night made
and still love his seed sprouting from the womb of
them that not only dreams but that carried
multiplied and made them run and talk.
Thus begat the world again as well as his life had engendered
those who invented
how to turn off the sun.
dreams carriers survived the freezing temperatures
but in warm climates
almost seemed to spring for spontaneous generation. Perhaps
palm trees, blue skies, torrential rains
had something to do with it.
The truth is that as industrious ants
these specimens did not stop dreaming
build and beautiful worlds, worlds
brothers, men and women who called
were taught each other to read, they consoled
in death, healed and cared
among them, wanted,
were helping in the art of love and in the defense of happiness.
were happy in their world of sugar and
wind from all over came to soak up its encouragement of his clear eyes
went everywhere that those who had known
dreaming dreams wearing new
prophecies that spoke of times of butterflies and nightingales
and that the world would end in the carnage.
Instead, scientists would design
bridges, gardens, amazing toys
more joyful to the happiness of man. They are dangerous
-printed large rotating
are dangerous, "said the president in his speeches are dangerous
murmured the architects of the war.
have to destroy large rotary-printed
must be destroyed, "said the presidents in their speeches
must destroy
murmured the architects of the war.
dreams carriers know their power
why not
were surprised also knew that life had engendered
death to protect the prophecies announcing
and defended his life that even death.
dreams cultivated gardens and exporting large colored ribbons.
The prophets of darkness
spent nights and days watching
passages and roads looking for these dangerous cargoes
never managed to catch because it has no eyes to dream dreams
not see or day, or night.
And the world has unleashed a heavy load on
dreams they can not stop the traffickers of death
packages are everywhere with big bows
that only this new race of men can see
the seed of these dreams can not be detected because it
hearts wrapped in red
in large maternity dresses rampage
where dreamers piesecitos
bellies that the house.
say the earth after parirlos
unleashed a rainbow sky and blew fertility
roots of trees.
We only know that we have seen that life
to protect the father's death to announce the prophecies.
(Gioconda Belli)
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