Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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sleeping tired feet

feet tend to suffer as the pace of life we \u200b\u200bhave, when night and feel very tired yourself be prepared:

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons

dried thyme 5 tablespoons dried oregano
4 tablespoons dried rosemary
5 tablespoons dried chamomile
7 tablespoons dried mint

* These measures are for more than one use. You have to collect all these herbs and stir well. Reserves in a glass container and each time you want to use you take 3 tablespoons per 2 gallons of water.


Put water on to boil and boil before add the herbs. You have to let the fire about 6 minutes, then let it stand for half an hour and schools.

Use a basin so that your feet will fit entirely, you feel good without them that you can tighten and relax. Take warm water with herbs and enjoy, your feet will thank you.

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Vapor Bath

One of the best ways to cleanse your face is with a good vapor.

Here it is one of them.

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon

dried rosemary 2 tablespoons dried chamomile flowers 1 quart of water

1 beaker or wide mouth jar

towels Preparation: Heat

water to a boil, then remove. In the container to the herbs and then pour the hot water, move.


With a towel you have to cover your head and the other container. Close your eyes and let the steam acting on your face for ten minutes.

Then dry your face. You will see that your appearance is youthful and very bright.

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acne natural cleaning impurities, pimples and blackheads

In the previous article I put the properties of the chamomile.

One ways to make a preparation for your neck and face.


2 cups water 1 tablespoon dried chamomile flowers

Preparation: Heat

water and boil before adding the dried chamomile flowers.

Leave for 6 minutes and strain.

Use: When

medium heat (not cold), use it to clean face and neck.

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Chamomile - Natural Beauty

or Chamomile Manzanilla, widely cultivated in gardens throughout the world. It has many healing properties, is used internally for many sorrows.

For natural beauty, its essential oil, mixed with a few drops of almond oil is often used for body massage.

vaporarizaciones The chamomile is very effective, cleans pores and eliminates toxins. In

infusion can be used to clean the skin, leaving a very healthy and youthful.

However, during pregnancy should avoid using chamomile essential oil as it is a uterine stimulant.