Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Rosalind Hursthouse Birthday
HUMAN CAPITAL is still a concept in search of
context People are no longer seen as perishable goods, to consume, but as valuable assets to be developed.
considers the individual's economy from two perspectives:
• Producer • Consumer goods and services
productive Are those who raise pigs or processed pills, but teachers of young adult and virtuous , musicians, judges and administrators are productive in a much greater extent? Concept of human capital
Aggregation - subject to supply and demand.
Growth -
Investment - $$$$$$
Income Distribution What
the engineer who has to do with the CH?
And the designer has to do with the CH?
What the architect has to do with the CH?
Two important points
What do I need to do to be a good Human Capital?
As a representative of an organization.
Leading a business
How do I invest in human capital of an organization? CH
value It is the same as the consumption of goods and services produced directly or indirectly.
When you raise the value of goods and services, also CH rises as the first element decreases, so does the second.
How to measure the CH
Indirectly with market values \u200b\u200bthat can be leased.
What is the marginal product
is determined by supply and demand so that you can pay according to this average marginal product by industry, occupation, etc. Opportunity cost
The rewards that are deferred in exchange for the investment of CH
The sacrifice of income, time in exchange for training.
Thus the opportunity cost of paying a low income family is very high in relation to a family of middle or upper class. Net value of CH
It is equal to the cost of acquisition. CH Price
The net present value of a human asset depends on the gains of which the owner can realize.
What is best for an employer to hire designers with degrees or technical level and train them? What affects the price
Geographic Region
Age Race
Industry Occupation
Risk and uncertainty
When cases are variable but likely to occur known, it is said that there are risks when cases are likely to occur with variable but unknown, uncertainty is said to exist.
Do you know the risk you take when investing in CH?
what uncertainty?
actors in the formation of CH
Government Business
The knowledge era.
"Now the challenge is the ability to access, consistently, that knowledge"
Universities play an important role
The goal is to reach the university has proposed to contribute to social change is, to train professionals able to contribute to society socially relevant services.
values \u200b\u200band civic and social attitudes are taught by example, in an environment that stimulates. Education is an essentially human process of transformation and development of the individual.
It is a university system whose mission is to train people committed to community development to improve the social, economically and politically, and are internationally competitive in their area of \u200b\u200bexpertise, the mission includes research and extension relevant to the country's sustainable development.
The essential feature of these programs is to place greater emphasis on applied education and, particularly, in links with the labor market is the knowledge and skills that are needed for a job. Investment decisions
Is it really profitable investment in human capital?
personal satisfaction Need for achievement
Membership Training
Everything depends on your point of view from which you are watching, for example the most important thing a father can be the title of his son and not the results. Government
Two situations:
public goods producers
general welfare advocates
Why can not investment decision turns to individuals and private companies? Business
Do the skills, talents and expertise are available on the market?
Should provide training or hire individuals with the skills and knowledge?
¿capacitación general o especifica?
¿Qué tanto tiempo vivirá el empleado?
¿por cuánto tiempo trabajará para la empresa?
Materia prima
¿calidad de vida o los bienes de consumo que pueden adquirir?
Preferencias presentes y futuras
Duración de vida del activo, su tasa de depreciación, su probabilidad de ser obsoletos y sus costos de mantenimiento.
Ya sea que el individuo invierta sus propios recursos en su C.H. o que pida prestado en el mercado, depende de la tasa a la que desea permutar los bienes de consumo present for future consumption.
The fact that the aggregate human capital plays a major role in the production process, is a question from a theoretical perspective that has been treated extensively.
In this sense, identify two ways in which education
involved in this process. A direct
called level effect, which considers education that holds the worker as a productive factor more, so that the accumulation of human capital generates growth in output directly.
qualified Another indirect effect of rate, which means that education facilitates innovation, dissemination and the adoption of new technologies, affecting the level of human capital to productivity growth through improvement of technical progress. Given its importance, there have been numerous works.
Spreading Herpes To Your Nose
human capital Human Capital Survey
What is man? Light
Proactive Reactive
always motivated to excel
How did the human capital theory?
factors of economic growth. Earth
Working Capital Human Capital
The esconomistas have put considerable attention on income distribution, considering the pair (both distance and near) the interaction of other correlated factors such as education. HUMAN CAPITAL
Defined as the skills, talents and productive skills of an individual. Adam Smith
An intelligent and educated people will always be more orderly and decent than one ignorant and stupid.
Theodore Schultz.
There is a vital link between economic productivity and human welfare.
Prospects economic growth are determined by the intelligent evolution of humanity.
costs to improve the quality of the population should be considered as an investment.
Education and health.
Can a farmer be productive regardless of weather? Gary S.
The fees usually increase with age, but at a decreasing rate.
There is an inverse relationship between unemployment rates and level of training.
Young people change jobs more frequently and receive more education and more training than others.
The most able people receive more education and other types of training others.
The typical investor in human capital is less reflective and therefore is more likely to miss the typical investor in physical capital
Pan Yotopoulos. Factor
human capital investments would be more profitable if you invest:
In young individuals with longer life.
society members with lower mortality rates.
Individuals or groups for whom the direct and opportunity costs of investment are relatively low and confined to a relatively short period of time. Harvey
efficiency theory.
What does the work for Mexicans?
productivity depends not only on the amount of labor and capital, but also the manner in which employees, employers and employees to interpret the work.
Motivation is an input, but remember that you can buy on the market. Ragman
Circle of poverty.
The supply side is the little saving, which is the low level of real income. The low real income is a reflection of low productivity which in turn is due in large part to the lack of capital. Lack of capital is the result of low savings capacity, and so the circle is complete. Demand side, the stimulus to invest may be low because of low purchasing power of the population, which is due to reduced real income, which in turn is attributable to low productivity. Current approaches
Hogendorn (1996)
states that low education and poor quality leads in most cases to low income. Emphasizes
that education is the most important element to study the human capital, and that differences in education provision can largely explain the gap in income per capita between developed and less developed countries.
Ram, 1999
Education is seen as a factor for balance, and its expansion allows a country's economic welfare.
Many studies have examined the relationship between education and income inequality. Although estadíasticas, specifications and models differ, many have concluded that increases in grade point average, decrease income inequality.
What do you think that theory applies more today?
Do you agree with something?
Education Education is central to the human community allows the preservation of their physical peculiarity, moral and spiritual is the means by which man has made to propagate and maintain its social existence, ie force reason. This is the basic characteristic of humanity, it makes us different from other living beings and that we must preserve.
formal education.
education system includes the highly instucionalizado chronologically graded and hierarchically structured stretching from the early years of primary school until the last years of college.
Non-formal education.
every activity is organized, systematic, educational, held outside the official system.
informal education.
It is a process that lasts a lifetime and in which people acquire and accumulate knowledge, skills, attitudes and modes of discernment through daily expressions and their relationship to the environment.
In many developing countries, school is a reflection and a result of underdevelopment surrounding, where they derive their deficiency, quantitative and qualitative poverty. But little by little, and here lies the danger really serious, the school of these underdeveloped countries is in danger of becoming in turn a factor of underdevelopment.
economic growth.
economic growth a country can be defined as long-term increase in the ability to provide for its population of economic goods increasingly diversified, as increased capacity is based on the advancement of technology and institutional adjustments and ideological that it demands.
Intellectual Capital.
How can we determine the value of a company? When
stock market evaluates a company to three, four to ten times the book value of its assets, is expressing a simple but profound truth: the tangible assets of an intellectual enterprise contribute much less to the value of your product (or service) terms intangibles: the talent of its employees, the effectiveness of their systems, customer relationships, all of which together constitute its intellectual capital.
"Intellectual capital is useful knowledge packaging."
Knowledge Management.
involves managing the processes of creation, development, dissemination and exploitation of knowledge to gain organizational skills.
" Why some countries have increased their educational level is not reflected in economic growth?
What is man? Light
Proactive Reactive
always motivated to excel
How did the human capital theory?
factors of economic growth. Earth
Working Capital Human Capital
The esconomistas have put considerable attention on income distribution, considering the pair (both distance and near) the interaction of other correlated factors such as education. HUMAN CAPITAL
Defined as the skills, talents and productive skills of an individual. Adam Smith
An intelligent and educated people will always be more orderly and decent than one ignorant and stupid.
Theodore Schultz.
There is a vital link between economic productivity and human welfare.
Prospects economic growth are determined by the intelligent evolution of humanity.
costs to improve the quality of the population should be considered as an investment.
Education and health.
Can a farmer be productive regardless of weather? Gary S.
The fees usually increase with age, but at a decreasing rate.
There is an inverse relationship between unemployment rates and level of training.
Young people change jobs more frequently and receive more education and more training than others.
The most able people receive more education and other types of training others.
The typical investor in human capital is less reflective and therefore is more likely to miss the typical investor in physical capital
Pan Yotopoulos. Factor
human capital investments would be more profitable if you invest:
In young individuals with longer life.
society members with lower mortality rates.
Individuals or groups for whom the direct and opportunity costs of investment are relatively low and confined to a relatively short period of time. Harvey
efficiency theory.
What does the work for Mexicans?
productivity depends not only on the amount of labor and capital, but also the manner in which employees, employers and employees to interpret the work.
Motivation is an input, but remember that you can buy on the market. Ragman
Circle of poverty.
The supply side is the little saving, which is the low level of real income. The low real income is a reflection of low productivity which in turn is due in large part to the lack of capital. Lack of capital is the result of low savings capacity, and so the circle is complete. Demand side, the stimulus to invest may be low because of low purchasing power of the population, which is due to reduced real income, which in turn is attributable to low productivity. Current approaches
Hogendorn (1996)
states that low education and poor quality leads in most cases to low income. Emphasizes
that education is the most important element to study the human capital, and that differences in education provision can largely explain the gap in income per capita between developed and less developed countries.
Ram, 1999
Education is seen as a factor for balance, and its expansion allows a country's economic welfare.
Many studies have examined the relationship between education and income inequality. Although estadíasticas, specifications and models differ, many have concluded that increases in grade point average, decrease income inequality.
What do you think that theory applies more today?
Do you agree with something?
Education Education is central to the human community allows the preservation of their physical peculiarity, moral and spiritual is the means by which man has made to propagate and maintain its social existence, ie force reason. This is the basic characteristic of humanity, it makes us different from other living beings and that we must preserve.
formal education.
education system includes the highly instucionalizado chronologically graded and hierarchically structured stretching from the early years of primary school until the last years of college.
Non-formal education.
every activity is organized, systematic, educational, held outside the official system.
informal education.
It is a process that lasts a lifetime and in which people acquire and accumulate knowledge, skills, attitudes and modes of discernment through daily expressions and their relationship to the environment.
In many developing countries, school is a reflection and a result of underdevelopment surrounding, where they derive their deficiency, quantitative and qualitative poverty. But little by little, and here lies the danger really serious, the school of these underdeveloped countries is in danger of becoming in turn a factor of underdevelopment.
economic growth.
economic growth a country can be defined as long-term increase in the ability to provide for its population of economic goods increasingly diversified, as increased capacity is based on the advancement of technology and institutional adjustments and ideological that it demands.
Intellectual Capital.
How can we determine the value of a company? When
stock market evaluates a company to three, four to ten times the book value of its assets, is expressing a simple but profound truth: the tangible assets of an intellectual enterprise contribute much less to the value of your product (or service) terms intangibles: the talent of its employees, the effectiveness of their systems, customer relationships, all of which together constitute its intellectual capital.
"Intellectual capital is useful knowledge packaging."
Knowledge Management.
involves managing the processes of creation, development, dissemination and exploitation of knowledge to gain organizational skills.
" Why some countries have increased their educational level is not reflected in economic growth?
Annual Salary For T-mobile Call Center Worker
What is the value of capital?
-the value of human capital is directly proportional to their production.
"It's the same as the consumption of goods and services produced directly or indirectly.
"When you raise the value of goods and services, it also raises the human capital as the former decreases, so does the second.
- Prices of productive capacity multiplied by the amount of it.
How can you measure human capital? Indirectly
with market values \u200b\u200bthat can be leased. According to their abilities.
What is marginal product?
additional output is obtained by an additional unit of a factor (labor, capital, land) other factors remaining constant.
Average salary of a certain area (mechanical, doctor, worker, etc.).
What is the price of human capital?
According to its profitability is its price.
The net present value of a human asset depends on the profits of its owner may realize.
What you are willing to pay for human capital.
What is the net value of human capital?
is the cost in money have the human capital at your service. Is equal to the cost of acquisition.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Where Can I Buy A Wrestling Singlet In Canada?
General Introduction The chemical solutions are homogeneous mixtures of substances in the same or different states of aggregation. The concentration of a solution is one of its main features. Quite a few properties of solutions depend only on the concentration. Their study is of interest to physics to chemistry. Examples of solutions include: salt water, oxygen and nitrogen from the air, carbon dioxide in soft drinks and all properties: color, flavor, density, melting point and boiling depend on the quantities of different substances put.
The substance present in greater quantity is often called solvent, and the lowest amount is called the solute and the dissolved substance.
The solute can be a gas, liquid or solid, and the solvent may also be a gas, liquid or solid. The sparkling water is an example of a gas (carbon dioxide) dissolved in a liquid (water).
gas mixtures are solutions. True solutions differ from colloidal solutions and suspensions in which the solute particles are molecular size and are scattered among the solvent molecules. Some metals are
others when they are soluble in the liquid state and solidify maintaining the mixture of atoms. If that mix the two metals can solidify, then be a solid solution.
The study of the different aggregation states of matter usually refers, for simplicity, to a laboratory situation, admitting that the substances in question are pure, ie, consist of a single type of elemental constituents, whether atoms molecules, or ion pairs. State changes when they occur, only affect your ordination or aggregation.
However, in nature, matter occurs most often in a mixture of pure substances. The solutions are a particular type of mixtures. The air in the atmosphere or sea water are examples of solutions. The fact that most of the chemical processes taking place in solution makes the study of solutions an important section of physical chemistry.
This paper offers a general introduction it talks a bit about the basics you need to know in order to delve into the topic of the solutions, this talk about what are the solutions, which is a solvent and a solute, it also explains about what makes it different from a colloid solution or suspension.
This work has several issues which are solubility properties physical solutions, solution concentration, solid solutions, liquid and gas, the effect of temperature and pressure on solubility of solids and gases.
Solubility Solubility is the ability of a substance dissolved in another, the solubility of a solute is the amount of this.
Some liquids, like water and alcohol, can dissolve each other in any proportion. In a sugar solution in water, it can happen that, if he continues to add more sugar, they reach a point where no more will dissolve, then the solution is saturated.
The solubility of a compound in a solvent and a specific given temperature and pressure is defined as the maximum amount of the compound can be dissolved in the solution. In most substances, solubility increases with increasing temperature of the solvent. In the case of substances such as gases or organic salts of calcium, the solubility in a liquid increases as temperature decreases.
In general, the higher solubility occurs in solutions that molecules have a structure similar to the solvent.
The solubility of various substances, some of which are poorly soluble or insoluble. Table salt, sugar and vinegar are highly soluble in water, but almost no sodium bicarbonate dissolves.
physical properties of the solutions
When you add a solute to a solvent, altered physical properties of the solvent. By increasing the amount of solute raises the boiling point and lower the freezing point. Thus, to prevent freezing of water used in cooling of automobile engines, add antifreeze (solute). But when adding a solute lowers the vapor pressure of the solvent.
Another remarkable property of a solution is its ability to exert osmotic pressure. If we separate two solutions of different concentrations in a semipermeable membrane (a membrane that allows passage of solvent molecules, but prevents the passage of solute), solvent molecules will move from the less concentrated solution to the solution of higher concentration, making the latter more dilute. These are some of the features of the solutions:
• The solute particles are smaller than in other kinds of mixtures.
• Present a single phase, ie homogeneous.
• If left to stand for a while, the phases are not separated or observed sedimentation, ie the particles settle to the bottom of the container.
• They are completely transparent, ie, allow the passage of light.
• All components or phases can not be separated Concentration by filtration
solution concentration of a solution gives the number of molecules have to have the solute of a substance and the number of molecules that have the rest of the substance.
There are different ways to say the concentration of a solution, but the two most used are: grams per liter (g / l) and molarity (M). Grams per liter
indicate the mass of solute, in grams, contained in a given volume of solution in liters. Thus, a solution of sodium chloride at a concentration of 40 g / l containing 40 g sodium chloride per liter of solution.
The molarity is defined as the amount of substance of solute, in moles, contained in a certain volume of solution in liters, ie M = n / V.
The number of moles of solute is equal to the ratio between the mass of solute and the mass of one mole (molar mass) of solute.
For example, to find the molarity of a solution prepared by dissolving 70 g sodium chloride (NaCl) up to 2 liters of solution, calculate the number of moles of NaCl, as the molar mass of sodium chloride is the sum of the atomic masses of its components, ie, 23 + 35.5 = 58.5 g / mol, the number of moles will be 70/58, 5 = 1.2 and therefore M = 1, 2 / 2 = 0.6 M (0.6 molar).
Milliosmoles per liter concentration
The phenomenon of osmosis occurs when a solution is separated from its solvent by a semipermeable membrane. Osmosis is the diffusion of solvent through the membrane from the lowest to the highest concentration. The osmotic pressure is the pressure to be applied on the solution of higher concentration to prevent the passage of the solvent (osmosis) through the membrane.
Biological membranes have different permeabilities and are said to be semipermeable, that is permeable to solvent molecules or small molecules, but do not allow free passage of all molecules in solution.
The osmol is a biological unit that is used for solutions having osmotic activity. The osmol turns out to be a very large unit for biological phenomena, most commonly used milliosmole subunit (mosmol) that is more representative; To calculate mosmol need to know if the solute ionized or not, the ionization increases the number of particles in solution, when dissolved 180 mg of glucose to one liter have 1 mmol of glucose, as this substance does not ionize also have 1 mosmol of glucose, when dissolved 58.5 mg Sodium chloride, salt that ionizes giving two ions ( Na + and Cl-), then 58.5mg equals 1 mmol of salt but equal 2 mosmol. The osmotic pressure depends on the number of particles rather than its charge or its mass, the same osmotic force exerted by a large molecule like a protein with a molecular weight of many thousands and thousands of loads as the hemoglobin molecule or an ion of sodium or chlorine.
Most body fluids has an osmotic pressure that is consistent with a solution of sodium chloride 0.9% and it is said that a solution is isosmotic with physiological fluids.
The isotonic solutions with respect to each other exert the same osmotic pressure, or containing the same concentration of osmotically active particles. When speaking of isotonic solutions in the laboratory typically involve solutions having the same osmotic pressure of blood plasma, which is approximately 300 milliosmoles / liter. Physiological solutions of concentration less than 300 hypotonic and if their concentration is higher are called hypertonic. A solution is isotonic with respect to a living cell when it happens gain or net loss of water in the cell, nor is no change of the cell when in contact with the solution.
If we consider that the osmolar concentration of a solution containing a mixture of electrolytes and neutral molecules is equal to the sum of the individual osmolar concentrations of all components, making the concentration of solutes found in serum osmolarity. A simple formula that offers a good clinical utility is:
Osmolarity = 2 (Na + mmol / l) + glucose mmol / l + NUS mmol / L also
Osmolarity = 2 (Na + meq / l) + Glucose mg / dl / 18 + NUS mgl / dll / 2.8
where the factor 2 is due to consider the ions associated with Na + (Cl-and HCO3-), 1 mosmol of glucose equivalent to 180 mg / l = 18 mg / dl, 1 mosmol of urea nitrogen (BUN) is equivalent to 28 mg / l = 2.8 mg / dl, corresponding to the molecular mass of two atoms of nitrogen in urea.
electrolytes Na +, HCO3-and Cl-contribute more than 92% of the osmolarity serum, the remaining 8% is glucose, proteins and urea. Classification
unsaturated, is one in which the dispersed phase and dispersing are not in equilibrium at a given temperature, ie, they can support more solute to reach degree of saturation.
eg, at 0 ° C 100 g of water dissolve 37.5 NaCl, ie at the given temperature, a solution containing 20g NaCl in 100g of water is not saturated.
SATURATED LIQUID SOLUTION: in these solutions there is a balance between the dispersed phase and dispersing medium, since the temperature is taken into account, the solvent can not dissolve more solute. Eg a saturated NaCl aqueous solution is one that contains 37.5 dissolved in 100 g of water 0 ° C. SATURATED SOLUTION ON SOFT
: represent a class of unstable solution, because it has more solute dissolved than is permitted for the given temperature.
To prepare this type of solute solutions were added in excess, high temperature and then cooling the system slowly. These solutions are unstable, and that adding a very small crystal of the solute, the existing excess rainfall, the same happens with a sudden change in temperature.
Effect of temperature and pressure on solubility of solids and gases
For a drink lost faster when hot gas when it is cold, or chocolate powder that dissolves easily in hot milk, several factors influence these phenomena, among them the temperature and pressure.
Usually the solubility varies with temperature. In most substances, an increase in temperature causes an increase in solubility. Why sugar dissolves better in hot coffee, and milk should be at the boiling point.
pressure changes do not alter the solubility of a solid into a liquid. If a water insoluble solid is not dissolved although the pressure rise sharply exerted on it.
The solubility of gases dissolved in liquids is different from that held by solids. The solubility of a gas in water increases with gas pressure on the solvent, if the pressure decreases, the solubility decreases as well. It is said that the solubility of gases is directly proportional to pressure.
When uncovers a soda bottle, the pressure on the surface of the liquid is reduced and a certain amount of carbon dioxide bubbles rise to the surface. The decrease in pressure allows the CO2 out of solution.
In relation to temperature, dissolved gases in liquids behave as they do the reverse solids. The solubility of a gas in water decreases as temperature increases, which means that the solubility and temperature are inversely proportional.
The gases dissolved in water (oxygen, chlorine and nitrogen) are small bubble that appears when the liquid is heated and has not yet reached the boiling point. When boiling water is fully aerated, so it tastes different from what has unboiled water, therefore it is recommended to aerate the water before drinking. Aqueous solutions
Water is the most abundant biomolecule human being constitutes 65-70% of total body weight. This ratio must be kept very close to these values to maintain water homeostasis, for otherwise the body is faced with pathological conditions due to dehydration or fluid retention. The importance of studying the biomolecule water lies in the fact that all biochemical reactions take place within the water, all nutrients are transported within the water.
molecular structure of water. Is a tetrahedral molecule with the oxygen atom in the center and the two hydrogen atoms at the vertices of the tetrahedron being the other two vertices occupied by the unshared electrons
oxygen Oxygen is an atom has more electronegativity than hydrogen, this makes the water molecule is an electric dipole. This structure explains many of the physical and chemical properties of water either by the hydrogen bond formation or solvation of other molecules.
Physical and chemical properties of water. The properties of water are the basis of a number of functions essential to the integrity of the organism.
biochemical and physiological functions of the water.
It follows that the biochemical and physiological functions of water are consistent with the physicochemical properties have been studied. The water can act as a component of macromolecular proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, can stabilize structure through hydrogen bond formation. That
be considered as universal solvent ionic substance, polar and non-ionic amphipathic facilitates within it can perform all the biochemical reactions and the proper transport of substances in the body.
The water can act as substrate or product of many reactions such as hydrolysis or ester formation. Thermoregulatory
The nature of water, helps keep your balance throughout the body temperature and metabolic heat dissipation we observe in the exercise extensive. Conclusion
This report concluded that the solubility is not only dilute a substance into another, as this is a chemical-physical process which is subject to different factors predominate, such as pressure and temperature.
Finally, it is good to indicate two very important with respect to solubility:
If two solutes are soluble in one solvent, depending on the quantities (small) can dissolve both without any difficulty, but in general the more soluble substance solution moves to the lowest solubility, eg by adding sugar or salt to a drink, immediately there is the escape of gas dissolved in it.
If a solute is soluble in two immiscible solvents (not mixed) with each other, the solute is dissolved in both solvents distributed proportionally according to their solubility in both solvents.
In this work we have seen several aspects of the subject of solutions, which is a very extensive and very important for the life of all human beings on this planet. This issue is very important because without the knowledge to be about solutions, you could not do more with the raw material, or other materials, could not be done for our lives essential materials such as plastic, there are many types This material is used for almost everything, good and as this material there are many others.
Additionally, this paper has attempted to summary information useful and concrete, which is very important because if a reader who does not have much knowledge of the subject not to be confused with both definitions and words that may be strange. In addition it is much more comfortable to read a job well summarized and specific information than any other job that has a lot of information that is not necessary, this often proves to be uncomfortable
General Introduction The chemical solutions are homogeneous mixtures of substances in the same or different states of aggregation. The concentration of a solution is one of its main features. Quite a few properties of solutions depend only on the concentration. Their study is of interest to physics to chemistry. Examples of solutions include: salt water, oxygen and nitrogen from the air, carbon dioxide in soft drinks and all properties: color, flavor, density, melting point and boiling depend on the quantities of different substances put.
The substance present in greater quantity is often called solvent, and the lowest amount is called the solute and the dissolved substance.
The solute can be a gas, liquid or solid, and the solvent may also be a gas, liquid or solid. The sparkling water is an example of a gas (carbon dioxide) dissolved in a liquid (water).
gas mixtures are solutions. True solutions differ from colloidal solutions and suspensions in which the solute particles are molecular size and are scattered among the solvent molecules. Some metals are
others when they are soluble in the liquid state and solidify maintaining the mixture of atoms. If that mix the two metals can solidify, then be a solid solution.
The study of the different aggregation states of matter usually refers, for simplicity, to a laboratory situation, admitting that the substances in question are pure, ie, consist of a single type of elemental constituents, whether atoms molecules, or ion pairs. State changes when they occur, only affect your ordination or aggregation.
However, in nature, matter occurs most often in a mixture of pure substances. The solutions are a particular type of mixtures. The air in the atmosphere or sea water are examples of solutions. The fact that most of the chemical processes taking place in solution makes the study of solutions an important section of physical chemistry.
This paper offers a general introduction it talks a bit about the basics you need to know in order to delve into the topic of the solutions, this talk about what are the solutions, which is a solvent and a solute, it also explains about what makes it different from a colloid solution or suspension.
This work has several issues which are solubility properties physical solutions, solution concentration, solid solutions, liquid and gas, the effect of temperature and pressure on solubility of solids and gases.
Solubility Solubility is the ability of a substance dissolved in another, the solubility of a solute is the amount of this.
Some liquids, like water and alcohol, can dissolve each other in any proportion. In a sugar solution in water, it can happen that, if he continues to add more sugar, they reach a point where no more will dissolve, then the solution is saturated.
The solubility of a compound in a solvent and a specific given temperature and pressure is defined as the maximum amount of the compound can be dissolved in the solution. In most substances, solubility increases with increasing temperature of the solvent. In the case of substances such as gases or organic salts of calcium, the solubility in a liquid increases as temperature decreases.
In general, the higher solubility occurs in solutions that molecules have a structure similar to the solvent.
The solubility of various substances, some of which are poorly soluble or insoluble. Table salt, sugar and vinegar are highly soluble in water, but almost no sodium bicarbonate dissolves.
physical properties of the solutions
When you add a solute to a solvent, altered physical properties of the solvent. By increasing the amount of solute raises the boiling point and lower the freezing point. Thus, to prevent freezing of water used in cooling of automobile engines, add antifreeze (solute). But when adding a solute lowers the vapor pressure of the solvent.
Another remarkable property of a solution is its ability to exert osmotic pressure. If we separate two solutions of different concentrations in a semipermeable membrane (a membrane that allows passage of solvent molecules, but prevents the passage of solute), solvent molecules will move from the less concentrated solution to the solution of higher concentration, making the latter more dilute. These are some of the features of the solutions:
• The solute particles are smaller than in other kinds of mixtures.
• Present a single phase, ie homogeneous.
• If left to stand for a while, the phases are not separated or observed sedimentation, ie the particles settle to the bottom of the container.
• They are completely transparent, ie, allow the passage of light.
• All components or phases can not be separated Concentration by filtration
solution concentration of a solution gives the number of molecules have to have the solute of a substance and the number of molecules that have the rest of the substance.
There are different ways to say the concentration of a solution, but the two most used are: grams per liter (g / l) and molarity (M). Grams per liter
indicate the mass of solute, in grams, contained in a given volume of solution in liters. Thus, a solution of sodium chloride at a concentration of 40 g / l containing 40 g sodium chloride per liter of solution.
The molarity is defined as the amount of substance of solute, in moles, contained in a certain volume of solution in liters, ie M = n / V.
The number of moles of solute is equal to the ratio between the mass of solute and the mass of one mole (molar mass) of solute.
For example, to find the molarity of a solution prepared by dissolving 70 g sodium chloride (NaCl) up to 2 liters of solution, calculate the number of moles of NaCl, as the molar mass of sodium chloride is the sum of the atomic masses of its components, ie, 23 + 35.5 = 58.5 g / mol, the number of moles will be 70/58, 5 = 1.2 and therefore M = 1, 2 / 2 = 0.6 M (0.6 molar).
Milliosmoles per liter concentration
The phenomenon of osmosis occurs when a solution is separated from its solvent by a semipermeable membrane. Osmosis is the diffusion of solvent through the membrane from the lowest to the highest concentration. The osmotic pressure is the pressure to be applied on the solution of higher concentration to prevent the passage of the solvent (osmosis) through the membrane.
Biological membranes have different permeabilities and are said to be semipermeable, that is permeable to solvent molecules or small molecules, but do not allow free passage of all molecules in solution.
The osmol is a biological unit that is used for solutions having osmotic activity. The osmol turns out to be a very large unit for biological phenomena, most commonly used milliosmole subunit (mosmol) that is more representative; To calculate mosmol need to know if the solute ionized or not, the ionization increases the number of particles in solution, when dissolved 180 mg of glucose to one liter have 1 mmol of glucose, as this substance does not ionize also have 1 mosmol of glucose, when dissolved 58.5 mg Sodium chloride, salt that ionizes giving two ions ( Na + and Cl-), then 58.5mg equals 1 mmol of salt but equal 2 mosmol. The osmotic pressure depends on the number of particles rather than its charge or its mass, the same osmotic force exerted by a large molecule like a protein with a molecular weight of many thousands and thousands of loads as the hemoglobin molecule or an ion of sodium or chlorine.
Most body fluids has an osmotic pressure that is consistent with a solution of sodium chloride 0.9% and it is said that a solution is isosmotic with physiological fluids.
The isotonic solutions with respect to each other exert the same osmotic pressure, or containing the same concentration of osmotically active particles. When speaking of isotonic solutions in the laboratory typically involve solutions having the same osmotic pressure of blood plasma, which is approximately 300 milliosmoles / liter. Physiological solutions of concentration less than 300 hypotonic and if their concentration is higher are called hypertonic. A solution is isotonic with respect to a living cell when it happens gain or net loss of water in the cell, nor is no change of the cell when in contact with the solution.
If we consider that the osmolar concentration of a solution containing a mixture of electrolytes and neutral molecules is equal to the sum of the individual osmolar concentrations of all components, making the concentration of solutes found in serum osmolarity. A simple formula that offers a good clinical utility is:
Osmolarity = 2 (Na + mmol / l) + glucose mmol / l + NUS mmol / L also
Osmolarity = 2 (Na + meq / l) + Glucose mg / dl / 18 + NUS mgl / dll / 2.8
where the factor 2 is due to consider the ions associated with Na + (Cl-and HCO3-), 1 mosmol of glucose equivalent to 180 mg / l = 18 mg / dl, 1 mosmol of urea nitrogen (BUN) is equivalent to 28 mg / l = 2.8 mg / dl, corresponding to the molecular mass of two atoms of nitrogen in urea.
electrolytes Na +, HCO3-and Cl-contribute more than 92% of the osmolarity serum, the remaining 8% is glucose, proteins and urea. Classification
unsaturated, is one in which the dispersed phase and dispersing are not in equilibrium at a given temperature, ie, they can support more solute to reach degree of saturation.
eg, at 0 ° C 100 g of water dissolve 37.5 NaCl, ie at the given temperature, a solution containing 20g NaCl in 100g of water is not saturated.
SATURATED LIQUID SOLUTION: in these solutions there is a balance between the dispersed phase and dispersing medium, since the temperature is taken into account, the solvent can not dissolve more solute. Eg a saturated NaCl aqueous solution is one that contains 37.5 dissolved in 100 g of water 0 ° C. SATURATED SOLUTION ON SOFT
: represent a class of unstable solution, because it has more solute dissolved than is permitted for the given temperature.
To prepare this type of solute solutions were added in excess, high temperature and then cooling the system slowly. These solutions are unstable, and that adding a very small crystal of the solute, the existing excess rainfall, the same happens with a sudden change in temperature.
Effect of temperature and pressure on solubility of solids and gases
For a drink lost faster when hot gas when it is cold, or chocolate powder that dissolves easily in hot milk, several factors influence these phenomena, among them the temperature and pressure.
Usually the solubility varies with temperature. In most substances, an increase in temperature causes an increase in solubility. Why sugar dissolves better in hot coffee, and milk should be at the boiling point.
pressure changes do not alter the solubility of a solid into a liquid. If a water insoluble solid is not dissolved although the pressure rise sharply exerted on it.
The solubility of gases dissolved in liquids is different from that held by solids. The solubility of a gas in water increases with gas pressure on the solvent, if the pressure decreases, the solubility decreases as well. It is said that the solubility of gases is directly proportional to pressure.
When uncovers a soda bottle, the pressure on the surface of the liquid is reduced and a certain amount of carbon dioxide bubbles rise to the surface. The decrease in pressure allows the CO2 out of solution.
In relation to temperature, dissolved gases in liquids behave as they do the reverse solids. The solubility of a gas in water decreases as temperature increases, which means that the solubility and temperature are inversely proportional.
The gases dissolved in water (oxygen, chlorine and nitrogen) are small bubble that appears when the liquid is heated and has not yet reached the boiling point. When boiling water is fully aerated, so it tastes different from what has unboiled water, therefore it is recommended to aerate the water before drinking. Aqueous solutions
Water is the most abundant biomolecule human being constitutes 65-70% of total body weight. This ratio must be kept very close to these values to maintain water homeostasis, for otherwise the body is faced with pathological conditions due to dehydration or fluid retention. The importance of studying the biomolecule water lies in the fact that all biochemical reactions take place within the water, all nutrients are transported within the water.
molecular structure of water. Is a tetrahedral molecule with the oxygen atom in the center and the two hydrogen atoms at the vertices of the tetrahedron being the other two vertices occupied by the unshared electrons
oxygen Oxygen is an atom has more electronegativity than hydrogen, this makes the water molecule is an electric dipole. This structure explains many of the physical and chemical properties of water either by the hydrogen bond formation or solvation of other molecules.
Physical and chemical properties of water. The properties of water are the basis of a number of functions essential to the integrity of the organism.
biochemical and physiological functions of the water.
It follows that the biochemical and physiological functions of water are consistent with the physicochemical properties have been studied. The water can act as a component of macromolecular proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, can stabilize structure through hydrogen bond formation. That
be considered as universal solvent ionic substance, polar and non-ionic amphipathic facilitates within it can perform all the biochemical reactions and the proper transport of substances in the body.
The water can act as substrate or product of many reactions such as hydrolysis or ester formation. Thermoregulatory
The nature of water, helps keep your balance throughout the body temperature and metabolic heat dissipation we observe in the exercise extensive. Conclusion
This report concluded that the solubility is not only dilute a substance into another, as this is a chemical-physical process which is subject to different factors predominate, such as pressure and temperature.
Finally, it is good to indicate two very important with respect to solubility:
If two solutes are soluble in one solvent, depending on the quantities (small) can dissolve both without any difficulty, but in general the more soluble substance solution moves to the lowest solubility, eg by adding sugar or salt to a drink, immediately there is the escape of gas dissolved in it.
If a solute is soluble in two immiscible solvents (not mixed) with each other, the solute is dissolved in both solvents distributed proportionally according to their solubility in both solvents.
In this work we have seen several aspects of the subject of solutions, which is a very extensive and very important for the life of all human beings on this planet. This issue is very important because without the knowledge to be about solutions, you could not do more with the raw material, or other materials, could not be done for our lives essential materials such as plastic, there are many types This material is used for almost everything, good and as this material there are many others.
Additionally, this paper has attempted to summary information useful and concrete, which is very important because if a reader who does not have much knowledge of the subject not to be confused with both definitions and words that may be strange. In addition it is much more comfortable to read a job well summarized and specific information than any other job that has a lot of information that is not necessary, this often proves to be uncomfortable
Etiquette Men Walking Behind Women
Practice 1 Practice
To identify the stages of mitosis in meristematic cells of onion root
Mitosis (Greek myths, string) is the division of cell nucleus and the corresponding chromosome segregation into two daughter nuclei, which will be followed in the case of cell division, cytoplasmic division or cytokinesis. This process occurs in eukaryotic cells (because they have a nucleus) and, within them, in somatic cells, which are ordinary cells of the body. Http://
entire process of cell division occurs after replication of genetic material, in other cell cycle phases, the process is divided into a series of phases : prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.
The starting point of mitosis is called interphase, a state in which the cell has a distinct nucleus and chromosomes condensados.Esta not divide a three processes: "G1: Overview Protein-S: G2 DNA replication: Protein Synthesis After
after DNA replication during interphase, is the condensation of the genetic material (DNA) (which normally exists as chromatin), which chromosomes are formed and the development of the bipolar mitotic spindle. One of the earliest prophase in animal cells is the migration of two pairs of centrioles to opposite ends of the cell. Appearance
Metaphase mitotic spindle that attaches to chromosomes at the centromere. The chromosomes move toward the equatorial plane, forming the equatorial plate (or metaphase). Anaphase
is shortest phase of mitosis, spindle microtubules she centrosomes separate longitudinally, leading to the separation of sister chromatids, which are directed to opposite poles.
telophase Telophase
reconstituted in chromatin, adopting the helical shape of chromosomes, the nucleolus appears and eucarioteca is reconstructed from the endoplasmic reticulum. MATERIAL
For team: 2 watch glasses, 1 burner, 1 light microscope, 1 dissection forceps, 1 dissection needle. Provided by Professor
: Colchicine at 0.1% and acertoceina. Provides the student
: 2 onions with sprouts, knife, cover slips and slides, sticky labels. DEVELOPMENT
A week before this practice put some onions in a small bottle with water so that only the base is submerged. Change the water every 24 hrs and transport onion very careful not to abuse her. We took the onion
water and cut the tips of the roots that were more obscure (2 mm long approximately) were categorized into two lots of work. We put the first batch in a flask with 0.1% colchicine. The second batch in a jar with water during the same time and same conditions served as control.
In a watch glass deposited rootlets treated with colchicine and in another in the control group and the label to avoid confusing. We cover
acertoceina both rootlets.
Heat with a flame burner until we started to smooth out the first vapors.
let cool and add more drops of food coloring.
repeat the steps above. We
raicilla, placed it on a clean slide and label them.
add a drop of acertoceina.
pressed with a pencil eraser turning the coverslip.
cleaned up the excess dye and observe the sample with the target of 40 X and determine the mitotic index of both lots and metaphysical. QUESTIONNAIRE
1 .- Why wait in their practice to find a higher rate of metaphases in treated rootlets colchicine?
For that inhibits mitotic spindle formation, giving the effect that the division stops at metaphase stage.
2 .- The number of nucleoli in interphase and mitosis observed in his practice tells you which of these two periods the cells stay longer? Explain.
If, where more time is interface remains in mitosis and nucleoli disappear and make out a few.
3 .- What is the risk of using substances such as colchicine in medicine, in treating certain diseases eg. Cancer and gout? Cause renal failure
4 .- Indicate the action of an agent and a mitogen mitostatico. Examples of both. Mitogen
An agent induces cell division.
1 .- Explain the results in terms of CO2 production in each of the 3 samples. The tube
control, there was a greater increase in the production of CO2 as it has no inhibitor. The tube
potassium cyanide (KCN) there was no CO2 production and inhibited it.
In the tube of 2.4-Dinitrophenol also increased less than even that of the control tube as it is uncoupling.
2 .- Explain that blocking the respiratory chain can be evidenced by the formation a product of the Krebs cycle.
There are certain substances such as 2.4-Dinitrophenol that make continued electron transport but not fosforilaciondel ADP and active in these conditions the respiratory process.
3 .- If you use other inhibitors such as amytal roteona or What results would you expect? Substances such as roteona
inhibit electron transport and phosphorylation of ADP, causing it to stop the breathing process.
4 .- Explain what their response would be if instead of CO2 production quantifies quantify consumption of O2.
would be similar because CO2 is a product of O2.
To identify the stages of mitosis in meristematic cells of onion root
Mitosis (Greek myths, string) is the division of cell nucleus and the corresponding chromosome segregation into two daughter nuclei, which will be followed in the case of cell division, cytoplasmic division or cytokinesis. This process occurs in eukaryotic cells (because they have a nucleus) and, within them, in somatic cells, which are ordinary cells of the body. Http://
entire process of cell division occurs after replication of genetic material, in other cell cycle phases, the process is divided into a series of phases : prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.
The starting point of mitosis is called interphase, a state in which the cell has a distinct nucleus and chromosomes condensados.Esta not divide a three processes: "G1: Overview Protein-S: G2 DNA replication: Protein Synthesis After
after DNA replication during interphase, is the condensation of the genetic material (DNA) (which normally exists as chromatin), which chromosomes are formed and the development of the bipolar mitotic spindle. One of the earliest prophase in animal cells is the migration of two pairs of centrioles to opposite ends of the cell. Appearance
Metaphase mitotic spindle that attaches to chromosomes at the centromere. The chromosomes move toward the equatorial plane, forming the equatorial plate (or metaphase). Anaphase
is shortest phase of mitosis, spindle microtubules she centrosomes separate longitudinally, leading to the separation of sister chromatids, which are directed to opposite poles.
telophase Telophase
reconstituted in chromatin, adopting the helical shape of chromosomes, the nucleolus appears and eucarioteca is reconstructed from the endoplasmic reticulum. MATERIAL
For team: 2 watch glasses, 1 burner, 1 light microscope, 1 dissection forceps, 1 dissection needle. Provided by Professor
: Colchicine at 0.1% and acertoceina. Provides the student
: 2 onions with sprouts, knife, cover slips and slides, sticky labels. DEVELOPMENT
A week before this practice put some onions in a small bottle with water so that only the base is submerged. Change the water every 24 hrs and transport onion very careful not to abuse her. We took the onion
water and cut the tips of the roots that were more obscure (2 mm long approximately) were categorized into two lots of work. We put the first batch in a flask with 0.1% colchicine. The second batch in a jar with water during the same time and same conditions served as control.
In a watch glass deposited rootlets treated with colchicine and in another in the control group and the label to avoid confusing. We cover
acertoceina both rootlets.
Heat with a flame burner until we started to smooth out the first vapors.
let cool and add more drops of food coloring.
repeat the steps above. We
raicilla, placed it on a clean slide and label them.
add a drop of acertoceina.
pressed with a pencil eraser turning the coverslip.
cleaned up the excess dye and observe the sample with the target of 40 X and determine the mitotic index of both lots and metaphysical. QUESTIONNAIRE
1 .- Why wait in their practice to find a higher rate of metaphases in treated rootlets colchicine?
For that inhibits mitotic spindle formation, giving the effect that the division stops at metaphase stage.
2 .- The number of nucleoli in interphase and mitosis observed in his practice tells you which of these two periods the cells stay longer? Explain.
If, where more time is interface remains in mitosis and nucleoli disappear and make out a few.
3 .- What is the risk of using substances such as colchicine in medicine, in treating certain diseases eg. Cancer and gout? Cause renal failure
4 .- Indicate the action of an agent and a mitogen mitostatico. Examples of both. Mitogen
An agent induces cell division.
1 .- Explain the results in terms of CO2 production in each of the 3 samples. The tube
control, there was a greater increase in the production of CO2 as it has no inhibitor. The tube
potassium cyanide (KCN) there was no CO2 production and inhibited it.
In the tube of 2.4-Dinitrophenol also increased less than even that of the control tube as it is uncoupling.
2 .- Explain that blocking the respiratory chain can be evidenced by the formation a product of the Krebs cycle.
There are certain substances such as 2.4-Dinitrophenol that make continued electron transport but not fosforilaciondel ADP and active in these conditions the respiratory process.
3 .- If you use other inhibitors such as amytal roteona or What results would you expect? Substances such as roteona
inhibit electron transport and phosphorylation of ADP, causing it to stop the breathing process.
4 .- Explain what their response would be if instead of CO2 production quantifies quantify consumption of O2.
would be similar because CO2 is a product of O2.
Film For Colorburst 250
I did not include the protozoa in the Animal Kingdom because they are included in a separate kingdom: the Kingdom Protista.
Protozoa are single-celled eukaryotic heterotrophic protists. Eukaryotic cells are possessing a nuclear membrane that contains the genetic material (DNA). Heterotrophic means you can not make their own food, should buy it already prepared.
Somewhat surprising is that the cell contains organelles protozoa with functions equivalent to those of the organs of the Metazoa (multicellular animals).
The kingdom Protista includes eukaryotes, unicellular or multicellular (forming colonies), heterotrophic (Protozoa ingest or absorbent as Mycetozoides), autotrophs (algae), or mixotrophic (which are both autotrophs and heterotrophs (eg, Euglena ). Most of them are mobile, but some sessile species.
As we can see, the meaning of "protist" is very complicated. For this reason, protists have been divided into five kingdoms "tentative" PROTOZOA
belong to the Kingdom Protista. They are eukaryotic, unicellular and heterotrophic. Many are motile. There are approximately 45,000 described species of protozoa. They can be found in water, where they play an important role in the food chain or in symbiosis with higher animals or other organisms.
can visit the following website to see photos and films on protozoa. Http://
Contribute the fertility of the soil as organic matter decomposes.
operate in the natural control of microbial populations as they feed on various types of microorganisms.
Cause disease to humans and animals of domestic importance. Structure and function
possess organelles that are involved in the movement, nutrient uptake, excretion, osmoregulation, reproduction and protection. Locomotion
There are 3 types of organelles responsible for locomotion in protozoa:
pseudopodia are temporary extensions of cytoplasm, usually found in amoebas. These are also important to capture food.
flagella are elongated structures as drivers of body hair. These structures react to chemicals and touch. The internal structure of the flagellum is similar in all eukaryotes.
cilia are structures similar to flagella, but smaller. These organelles may cover the entire surface of the protozoan or be restricted to a particular region such as the oral region. In some agencies these cilia fuse into Cirris, which can function as legs. Food and digestion
autotrophic protozoa synthesize their own food through photosynthesis.
heterotrophic protozoa, on the other hand require organic substances pre formed the environment. Food holozoica
is ingestion of whole organisms or small particles of food. They have mechanisms for capturing food such as food and drinks cytosome ("mouth"). After ingestion of particles, they pass cavities called vacuoles degestivas food. The waste is removed by the citopigio. Excretion and osmoregulation
The organelle responsible for these functions in many protozoa in the contractile vacuole. Excretion of waste products can be carried out by the cell surface. In malaria can be seen that some of the symptoms are caused by waste products parasite that is excreted and accumulated in the infected human cell.
protective structures
Many of these structures prevent mechanical damage and protect the body from drying out, getting too much water and predators.
covers the surface are shells that consist of sand grains or other foreign particles. They may also consist of calcium carbonate or silica. Intracellular organelles
Tricocistos are used for prey capture and defense.
Movie ("pelicle") is a stronger cover the cell membrane which is stuck. This provides protection against chemicals, damage mechanical and water loss.
This consists of protozoa trophozoites and cysts (cysts). The phase where protozoa carried out their main activity (nutrition and growth) is in the trophozoite stage. In this phase can not withstand the effects of different chemicals, food deficits, drastic changes in temperature, pH and other environmental factors. To counter these adverse factors are cysts or cysts.
The cystic stage is the life cycle of protozoa which is resistant to different environmental conditions. The cysts are metabolically dormant, or inactive. This phase is important for the dispersal of organisms. A protozoan pathogens such as dispersal is by means of cysts is Entamoeba histolytica, which causes amoebic dysentery. Forms of reproduction
ciliated protozoa are binucleate, have a macronucleus which regulates the metabolic functions and development and maintain the features visible. They also have a microkernel that regulates reproductive processes.
In asexual reproduction are:
1. Binary fission, which is the most common type of asexual reproduction.
2. Budding, where a new individual is formed, either on the surface or in the internal cavity.
3. Multiple fission, such reproduction involves the formation of multinucleated organisms that carry out the division.
In sexual reproduction are:
1. Syngamy, here you can see the union of 2 different sex cells resulting in a zygote.
2. Conjugation, which is characteristic of ciliated protozoa. The process involves the partial union of two ciliates, in which case the exchange of a pair of haploid micronuclei. Following the merger of these micronuclei are diploid micronuclei, which divide by mitosis giving rise to 2 identical diploid organelles.
3. Autogamy in this process, the micronucleus divides into 2 parts and then assembled to form a zygote. The protozoan divides to give rise to 2 cells, each with complete nuclear structures. Growing
Protozoa need moderate light, temperature 15 to 21 degrees C and pH neutral to slightly alkaline. If using an artificial medium, it may include rice, wheat grains, skim milk and lettuce. If a specific medium, containing glucose, protein, minerals and yeast extract. Some need as food organisms. On the other hand, the parasites are grown in tissue culture preparations. Classification
for classification takes into consideration: the method of obtaining food, the method reproduction, cellular organization, structure, biochemical analysis of nucleic acids and proteins and organelles of locomotion.
Kingdom Protista Phylum Ciliophora (ciliates Paramecium is an example) is characterized by the presence of thousands of cilia on its surface. These have the function of the movement and obtaining food. The ciliates are the most specialized, as they have organelles that perform vital functions. These are found in salt water to fresh. Some are free living while others are parasitic or commensal. Phylum
1. The subphylum Opalinata found in the intestines of toads. Possess cilia shaped organelles arranged in rows on the surface of your body. Some have two or more cores, but are not differentiated in micro-and macronucleus. This group is played by syngamy.
2. The subphylum Sarcodina these have pseudopodia used to move and capture food. This group is simple in structure when compared with ciliates and flagellates. They have few organelles and have no definite shape of the body. Found in all bodies of water. This phylum includes the foraminiferal group (with 18,000 species). Also here we find Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebic dysentery, the disease is spread through cysts in contaminated food and water.
3. The subphylum Mastigophora are protozoan flagellates in some stage of his life and mostly unicellular, they are free living, commensal, mutualistic or parasitic. Phylum Apicomplexa
Between group includes intra-and intercellular parasites of animals. It is distinguished by its unique arrangement microtubules, vacuoles and other organelles located at one end of the cell. This group does not have organelles of locomotion.
phylum Sporozoa are parasites and absorb nutrients from their hosts, some are intracellular. Others live in the body fluid or other organs. The adults do not have sporozoas organelles of locomotion. Examples are the causative agents of malaria and toxoplasmosis causing the latter cause la muerte patients with AIDS. El protozoan that causes toxoplasmosis is la encuentro en la excreta of them cats.
INTRODUCTION In the living room is the reproduction of an organism pre-existing bodies brothers. In the simplest cases of protozoa each cell through its division, can be used in the creation of new individuals who remain without parental organism.
Moreover, the essential aspect of the sexual activities of protozoa is the production of haploid gametes nuclei and subsequent merging to form a haploid zygotic nucleus.
Sexual reproduction in almost all metazoans is somewhat different. In such separation occurs in a germ line, whose eggs and sperm to ensure continuity of life, and a lineage whose somatic cells are mortal and do not participate in the reproductive process. Each type of gamete usually comes from two individuals (male and female), which often remain alive and produce gametes for other additional fertilizations.
Gametes are produced by two successive divisions of immature germ cells in which the number of chromosomes is reduced by half (haploid), seen in the nuclei of germ cells in adult diploid number. The result of the merger for syngamy or fertilization of haploid gametes or diploid zygote is an egg that will make a long series of cell divisions, accompanied by several changes in order to produce a young individual.
Although the union of haploid gametes occurs in at least some protozoa, the resulting diploid stage (zygotes) divide carries while playing. However, in metazoans the divisions of the zygote is an essential part of developing a new individual.
Many forms of reproduction in protozoa comprise a agamogonia or asexual reproduction, which is the fragmentation of the individual comprising one or more mitoses. The mitosis in protozoa is distinct from that in metazoans, because there is permanence of the nuclear membrane, no zone or else the existence of an intranuclear spindle.
The meiosis is a variation of their occurrence in the life cycles of different groups of protozoa in the number of chromosomes. Some have diploid nuclei and somatic cells of metazoa, others are haploid, as in the gametes of higher plants and animals, there are still those with polyploid nuclei, ie, they have three or more haploid sets of chromosomes, as is the case of most ciliate macronucleus. In metazoan chromosome reduction always precedes fertilization.
reproduction of protozoa, the subject of this text, but always involves the division of an organization holds several methods, which are described below. But before we do a brief presentation on the points of occurrence of meiosis in the life cycles of the same.
the protozoa as well as many lower plants, meiosis can occur soon after fertilization, zygotic meiosis is that exists in various gregarines Coccidia (phylum Apicomplexa, class Sporozoa, genus Plasmodium), few Sarcodina, some intestinal flagellates and in certain protist affinities with vegetables, such as Volvox . This
meiosis usually occurs during the first two divisions of the zygote. In these cases the active phase of the life cycle, or a portion thereof, has the haploid number of chromosomes and such bodies are so called haplobiontes.
NÞFertilização 2NÞMeiose (formation of spores) N ˚
In many other protozoa the diploid number of chromosomes is most of the cycle, where meiosis is gametic. Are therefore comparable to the cycle of metazoans. In protozoa that meiosis results in gametes and nuclei occurs in opalinídeos and ciliates. The cycle is called diplobionte.
2NÞ Meiosis (N) fertilization 2NÞ
There is also a cycle called haplodiplobionte known in some formníferos. In it the haploid and diploid phases correspond to different generations are likely to present phenomena of asexual multiplication. Meiosis is executed during the last mitotic cycle of haploid pairings. N ˚
Meiosis Fertilization 2NÞ
The protozoa multiply asexually more frequently, but regularly uses certain groups or under certain environmental conditions for mating, while others have complex cycles in which alternating stages of asexual multiplication and sexual reproduction. The ability to perform a sexual phase is restricted to ciliates, and apicomplexan taxa of flagellates and some Sarcodina.
The reproductive cycle of protozoa involves a period of growth followed by reproduction, growth of organisms resulting from its own and eventually reproduction. The period of individual growth ranges from several hours to several days or even several months, as occurs in the life cycles of certain foramníferos.
is the simpler process of multiplication, since starting from a single body that mitosis has formed another with the same genetic characteristics of the parental organism. If no mutations occur all the offspring will be comparable, thus constituting, clones.
There are the following methods: simple binary division
This type of reproduction is based bipartition in the cell body. Naked amoebae in there division plan, they simply assume a rounded shape and divide into two halves basically identical daughter cells receive directly the structure of the parent, just one of these individuals will be formed again, a contractile vacuole. Already in the testate amoebae there is considerable variability and its division often resembles the budding process (Fig. 1), as in Arcella. In these the protoplasm gradually spreads outward through the opening of the shell as a large pseudopodia, separating after mitosis. The body retains the generator shell and half the cytoplasm, while the other member of a secret new shell.
Figure 1. Binary division of Arcella.
the flagella body becomes constricted lengthwise and each individual has to differentiate a new flagellar apparatus.
Figure 2. Binary division of flagellates ciliates
In both types of nucleus (micronucleus and macro) are divided and the body is usually choked plasma (Fig. 3) across, each individual receives a pair of cores. Are needed as new distinctions: every half a second contractile vacuole and the daughter cell "later" a new cytostome, including specialized areas of cilia as the old cytostome moves to the body "before." The differentiation of new organelles begins within the first nuclear divisions and precedes the division of the cytoplasm. Some ciliates, eg, Colpoda, fall within cysts, initially in two brothers who form the new division after four ciliates, which are released when there is rupture of the cyst wall.
An exception to the transverse plane of division in ciliate Vorticella occurs, and this longitudinal study.
Figure 3. Binary division of Paramecium.
Plasmotomia: A variant of binary fission occurs in some protozoa, multicellular organisms that normally fall into more than two new, smaller bodies, and where the division regardless of cytoplasmic nuclear division. As occurs in certain Sarcodina Pelomyxa in opalinates, among others. Bodies siblings may differ in both size and number of cores they receive.
Division Multiple or fission (schizogony =)
Division Multiple follows the repeated mitoses, in some groups of protozoa, the nuclear division is followed immediately by citodierese. Then follows the accumulation many nuclei, perhaps thousands, before they start differentiating daughter cells. When this process begins to form almost simultaneously many organisms children. Then the cytoplasm divides into as much territory as the daughter nuclei, isolating elements or unicellular esquizozoítos. Occurs in protozoan parasites (Apicomplexa, Microspora, and Ascetospora Mixozoa) and some free-living species (and foramníferos "radiolaria").
Among the free-living protozoa, the foramníferos are distinct, because the sexual phase is a regular part of life cycle, alternating with a sexual phase
Figure 4 represents the complex life cycle of Plasmodium, where there are two phases - sexual and asexual, the schizogony occurs in liver cells and blood of humans.
Figure 4. Life cycle of Plasmodium.
Budding is a form of fission in the course of which the cell can only be affected by maternal reproductive process. In a simple bud suctório the ciliated father, sedentary, saves your feeder device, while performing nuclear division and is produced a terminal or lateral bud that will develop into larva becoming ciliated. In other cases, the bud and there are multiple simultaneous production from 4 to 12 larvae (In Ephelota), although in other suctórios, Acineta for example, the larva can arise by sprouting from the bottom of a matrix cavity formed by invagination of the body surface. In some ciliates, ie the order Apostomatida there are cases of formation of linear chains formed by budding ciliates.
ciliated organisms resulting from budding, swim freely until they settled on a substrate, they lose the cilia and tentacles develop fixator and peduncle feeders.
2.2. Sexual
free living protozoa usually resort to sexual reproduction when environmental conditions become adverse, because when environmental factors and food availability are favorable, asexual reproduction is.
Based on surface features are recognized some varieties of sexual activities in protozoa:
- - syngamy OR copulation, ie, the complete union of two haploid cells (gametes). In primitive forms, there is isogamy morphological, ie similarity of the two gametes. From it comes the anisogamy in which microgametes mobile (the male sex cells) join with macrogametas (female sex cells) properties, in most cases.
- - CONJUGATION: ie transient partial union of two individuals, in which haploid nuclei are exchanged each other so that, following completion of the separation, the nuclei of ex-conjugants have a new chromosomal trim combination. The combination is found only in ciliate protozoa more highly differentiated and richer in cytoplasmic differentiation. The cycle is diplobionte.
Two ciliates, in most cases with the same form, is to each other by the oral region, there is formed a cytoplasmic bridge.
Figure 5. Diagram of conjugation in ciliates
After marriage the cytostome, the macronucleus each became disorganized and disappears, while the micronucleus undergoes two successive divisions, namely meiosis.
- Of the four resulting nuclei, and the last three degenerate splits once again, the final two
nuclei are called Pronuclear: male and female.
- The male pronuclei migrate toward each other cell of your partner and
pronuclei unite with the female who had remained in place. The core
resulting merged in each cell is a zygote (syncarion) where the diploid number of chromosomes is restored
- The cells separate and each divides three times, producing eight nuclei
- The first two divisions are meiotic
- From 8 cores, 4 increase in size until it turned into so many
- One is being the micronucleus and the other disappear.
- Here are two normal divisions of the micronucleus and the entire cell (but without
multiplication of the macronucleus), resulting in the production end of the 4 ciliates
from one of two ex-conjugants, with a macronucleus and a micronucleus each.
partners together are hermaphrodites, they provide gametic nuclei of two types, which behave differently. Paramecia, but only when they belong to combine different but compatible types of pairing (Matingtypes). Before the conjunction is no emission of chemical signals by some ciliates, but in others, such as Paramecium, the chemical remains on the cell surface which expresses the response when the ciliates make physical contact.
These genes relate to the biochemical qualities of the lashes. In this case, the different types of pairing are determined from two alternatives for action loci of genes, so that a single individual only one locus is active.
In some species of Paramecium there is, in certain environmental conditions, or autogamous selfing: an unrelated partner pairing, meiosis takes place, and all subsequent changes, such as a combination "normal." The migratory and stationary nuclei of an individual flock then straight back in the zygotic micronucleus from which derive the new macro and micronuclei. Through this process of autogamy formed isozigóticos individuals and clones that are homozygous for all pairs de alelos. Este processo ocorre também em certos flagelados intestinais de insetos que se nutrem de madeira.
CITOGAMIA : é um caso misto, semelhante à conjugação, pelo fato de dois indivíduos se ligarem, mas onde não há ponte citoplasmática e nem troca de micronúcleo. O processo é AUTOGÂMICO.
Os ciliados denominados suctórios praticam um processo que é uma modificação da conjugação, pois os conjugantes têm aparência distinta. Quando um microconjugante localiza um macroconjugante eles se fundem. Isto é um tanto diferente do que ocorre na associação temporária de muitos ciliados.
Qual o real significado da conjugação and their transformation between intracellular protozoa? According Woodreff, 1925 (in Manwell, 1968 p.211) the "combination has a direct value for survival, and produce a profound stimulation of metabolic activities of the cell, which is expressed in the play." Phenomena such as sexual conjugation
play another key role, ensuring the continued existence of species. Like other forms of sexual reproduction, it results in a genetically diverse population better able to survive the inevitable changes in any environment.
is a special case of reproduction Sexual: After syngamy, the zygote undergoes repeated nuclear divisions, and only after they are finalized, you start playing the daughter cells. In this second phase of the multiplicative process, the sporogony resembles schizogony. In
Apicomplexa where sporogony alternates with each schizogony in the life cycle of the parasite sporogony often lead to the formation of elements protected by a sturdy wrap - Spozoites - designed to withstand the unfavorable external environment during transmission parasitic infection. CONCLUSION
then we saw that in many protozoa, sex appears occasionally, often caused by external actions and each individual is able to effect fertilization or go through changes (maturation) that lead to fertilization capacity. But in many species, certain individuals may only multiply asexually, while others are designed in the form of gametes, the sexual union. In a kind toggles, often in a given cycle, generations of individuals with each other that are different from their mode of reproduction are often also in their morphology. Thus, a development cycle that Gerace abrange uma série, de novo ao mesmo conduz state. Denote this by alternating processo Gerace; em parasites, prune to be linked to uma Mudanças of Hospedeiras, we mainly Apicomplexa, par example, we give agents malaria.
Osmotic pressure is that which would be necessary to stop the flow of water through the semipermeable membrane. When considered as semi-permeable to the plasma membrane, cells in multicellular organisms must remain in osmotic equilibrium with tissue fluids that bathe.
Meiosis I (first division of meiosis) is the most important because it occurs during chromosome synapsis, recombination and disjunction or segregation.
or prophase I: the chromatin condensation is followed by very close matching of homologous chromosomes with the synaptonemal complex formation and the formation of chiasmata (cross). These chiasmata are light microscopy and persist until metaphase I. Involve cross between two homologous chromatids (each from a homologous chromosome, while the other two do not work). Indicate that there has been a reciprocal recombination and there is at least one chiasma between each pair counterparts. You need a proper synaptonemal complex formation and presence of at least one chiasma between the counterparts to ensure normal disjunction.
or Metaphase I, homologous chromosomes are arranged aligned in the equatorial plane.
or Anaphase I: Homologous pairs separate, the sister chromatids remain together.
or Telophase I: have formed two daughter cells, each containing only one chromosome of homologous pair.
Meiosis II (second division of meiosis): formation of gametes.
or prophase II: DNA is not replicated, and the transition between the two divisions is very fast, similar to an isolated G2 period.
or Metaphase II: the chromosomes are arranged in aligning the equatorial plane.
or anaphase II, centromeres divide and sister chromatids migrate separately to each pole.
or telophase II: cell division is complete. They have won four haploid daughter cells.
or reduction in the number of chromosomes from diploid to haploid.
or segregation of alleles in meiosis I or meiosis II.
or mixture of genetic material by random distribution of homologous (Mendel's second law).
or recombination that provides additional mixing of genetic material.
ciliates found in the conjugation process - sexual reproduction in which only the nuclei fuse. Movies and join the macrocores disintegrate. Micronuclei undergo meyoticas divisions and produce haploid pronuclei. A migratory pronucleus of each cell goes to the other and merge with the corresponding stationary pronucleus to form new diploid nuclei.
I did not include the protozoa in the Animal Kingdom because they are included in a separate kingdom: the Kingdom Protista.
Protozoa are single-celled eukaryotic heterotrophic protists. Eukaryotic cells are possessing a nuclear membrane that contains the genetic material (DNA). Heterotrophic means you can not make their own food, should buy it already prepared.
Somewhat surprising is that the cell contains organelles protozoa with functions equivalent to those of the organs of the Metazoa (multicellular animals).
The kingdom Protista includes eukaryotes, unicellular or multicellular (forming colonies), heterotrophic (Protozoa ingest or absorbent as Mycetozoides), autotrophs (algae), or mixotrophic (which are both autotrophs and heterotrophs (eg, Euglena ). Most of them are mobile, but some sessile species.
As we can see, the meaning of "protist" is very complicated. For this reason, protists have been divided into five kingdoms "tentative" PROTOZOA
belong to the Kingdom Protista. They are eukaryotic, unicellular and heterotrophic. Many are motile. There are approximately 45,000 described species of protozoa. They can be found in water, where they play an important role in the food chain or in symbiosis with higher animals or other organisms.
can visit the following website to see photos and films on protozoa. Http://
Contribute the fertility of the soil as organic matter decomposes.
operate in the natural control of microbial populations as they feed on various types of microorganisms.
Cause disease to humans and animals of domestic importance. Structure and function
possess organelles that are involved in the movement, nutrient uptake, excretion, osmoregulation, reproduction and protection. Locomotion
There are 3 types of organelles responsible for locomotion in protozoa:
pseudopodia are temporary extensions of cytoplasm, usually found in amoebas. These are also important to capture food.
flagella are elongated structures as drivers of body hair. These structures react to chemicals and touch. The internal structure of the flagellum is similar in all eukaryotes.
cilia are structures similar to flagella, but smaller. These organelles may cover the entire surface of the protozoan or be restricted to a particular region such as the oral region. In some agencies these cilia fuse into Cirris, which can function as legs. Food and digestion
autotrophic protozoa synthesize their own food through photosynthesis.
heterotrophic protozoa, on the other hand require organic substances pre formed the environment. Food holozoica
is ingestion of whole organisms or small particles of food. They have mechanisms for capturing food such as food and drinks cytosome ("mouth"). After ingestion of particles, they pass cavities called vacuoles degestivas food. The waste is removed by the citopigio. Excretion and osmoregulation
The organelle responsible for these functions in many protozoa in the contractile vacuole. Excretion of waste products can be carried out by the cell surface. In malaria can be seen that some of the symptoms are caused by waste products parasite that is excreted and accumulated in the infected human cell.
protective structures
Many of these structures prevent mechanical damage and protect the body from drying out, getting too much water and predators.
covers the surface are shells that consist of sand grains or other foreign particles. They may also consist of calcium carbonate or silica. Intracellular organelles
Tricocistos are used for prey capture and defense.
Movie ("pelicle") is a stronger cover the cell membrane which is stuck. This provides protection against chemicals, damage mechanical and water loss.
This consists of protozoa trophozoites and cysts (cysts). The phase where protozoa carried out their main activity (nutrition and growth) is in the trophozoite stage. In this phase can not withstand the effects of different chemicals, food deficits, drastic changes in temperature, pH and other environmental factors. To counter these adverse factors are cysts or cysts.
The cystic stage is the life cycle of protozoa which is resistant to different environmental conditions. The cysts are metabolically dormant, or inactive. This phase is important for the dispersal of organisms. A protozoan pathogens such as dispersal is by means of cysts is Entamoeba histolytica, which causes amoebic dysentery. Forms of reproduction
ciliated protozoa are binucleate, have a macronucleus which regulates the metabolic functions and development and maintain the features visible. They also have a microkernel that regulates reproductive processes.
In asexual reproduction are:
1. Binary fission, which is the most common type of asexual reproduction.
2. Budding, where a new individual is formed, either on the surface or in the internal cavity.
3. Multiple fission, such reproduction involves the formation of multinucleated organisms that carry out the division.
In sexual reproduction are:
1. Syngamy, here you can see the union of 2 different sex cells resulting in a zygote.
2. Conjugation, which is characteristic of ciliated protozoa. The process involves the partial union of two ciliates, in which case the exchange of a pair of haploid micronuclei. Following the merger of these micronuclei are diploid micronuclei, which divide by mitosis giving rise to 2 identical diploid organelles.
3. Autogamy in this process, the micronucleus divides into 2 parts and then assembled to form a zygote. The protozoan divides to give rise to 2 cells, each with complete nuclear structures. Growing
Protozoa need moderate light, temperature 15 to 21 degrees C and pH neutral to slightly alkaline. If using an artificial medium, it may include rice, wheat grains, skim milk and lettuce. If a specific medium, containing glucose, protein, minerals and yeast extract. Some need as food organisms. On the other hand, the parasites are grown in tissue culture preparations. Classification
for classification takes into consideration: the method of obtaining food, the method reproduction, cellular organization, structure, biochemical analysis of nucleic acids and proteins and organelles of locomotion.
Kingdom Protista Phylum Ciliophora (ciliates Paramecium is an example) is characterized by the presence of thousands of cilia on its surface. These have the function of the movement and obtaining food. The ciliates are the most specialized, as they have organelles that perform vital functions. These are found in salt water to fresh. Some are free living while others are parasitic or commensal. Phylum
1. The subphylum Opalinata found in the intestines of toads. Possess cilia shaped organelles arranged in rows on the surface of your body. Some have two or more cores, but are not differentiated in micro-and macronucleus. This group is played by syngamy.
2. The subphylum Sarcodina these have pseudopodia used to move and capture food. This group is simple in structure when compared with ciliates and flagellates. They have few organelles and have no definite shape of the body. Found in all bodies of water. This phylum includes the foraminiferal group (with 18,000 species). Also here we find Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebic dysentery, the disease is spread through cysts in contaminated food and water.
3. The subphylum Mastigophora are protozoan flagellates in some stage of his life and mostly unicellular, they are free living, commensal, mutualistic or parasitic. Phylum Apicomplexa
Between group includes intra-and intercellular parasites of animals. It is distinguished by its unique arrangement microtubules, vacuoles and other organelles located at one end of the cell. This group does not have organelles of locomotion.
phylum Sporozoa are parasites and absorb nutrients from their hosts, some are intracellular. Others live in the body fluid or other organs. The adults do not have sporozoas organelles of locomotion. Examples are the causative agents of malaria and toxoplasmosis causing the latter cause la muerte patients with AIDS. El protozoan that causes toxoplasmosis is la encuentro en la excreta of them cats.
INTRODUCTION In the living room is the reproduction of an organism pre-existing bodies brothers. In the simplest cases of protozoa each cell through its division, can be used in the creation of new individuals who remain without parental organism.
Moreover, the essential aspect of the sexual activities of protozoa is the production of haploid gametes nuclei and subsequent merging to form a haploid zygotic nucleus.
Sexual reproduction in almost all metazoans is somewhat different. In such separation occurs in a germ line, whose eggs and sperm to ensure continuity of life, and a lineage whose somatic cells are mortal and do not participate in the reproductive process. Each type of gamete usually comes from two individuals (male and female), which often remain alive and produce gametes for other additional fertilizations.
Gametes are produced by two successive divisions of immature germ cells in which the number of chromosomes is reduced by half (haploid), seen in the nuclei of germ cells in adult diploid number. The result of the merger for syngamy or fertilization of haploid gametes or diploid zygote is an egg that will make a long series of cell divisions, accompanied by several changes in order to produce a young individual.
Although the union of haploid gametes occurs in at least some protozoa, the resulting diploid stage (zygotes) divide carries while playing. However, in metazoans the divisions of the zygote is an essential part of developing a new individual.
Many forms of reproduction in protozoa comprise a agamogonia or asexual reproduction, which is the fragmentation of the individual comprising one or more mitoses. The mitosis in protozoa is distinct from that in metazoans, because there is permanence of the nuclear membrane, no zone or else the existence of an intranuclear spindle.
The meiosis is a variation of their occurrence in the life cycles of different groups of protozoa in the number of chromosomes. Some have diploid nuclei and somatic cells of metazoa, others are haploid, as in the gametes of higher plants and animals, there are still those with polyploid nuclei, ie, they have three or more haploid sets of chromosomes, as is the case of most ciliate macronucleus. In metazoan chromosome reduction always precedes fertilization.
reproduction of protozoa, the subject of this text, but always involves the division of an organization holds several methods, which are described below. But before we do a brief presentation on the points of occurrence of meiosis in the life cycles of the same.
the protozoa as well as many lower plants, meiosis can occur soon after fertilization, zygotic meiosis is that exists in various gregarines Coccidia (phylum Apicomplexa, class Sporozoa, genus Plasmodium), few Sarcodina, some intestinal flagellates and in certain protist affinities with vegetables, such as Volvox . This
meiosis usually occurs during the first two divisions of the zygote. In these cases the active phase of the life cycle, or a portion thereof, has the haploid number of chromosomes and such bodies are so called haplobiontes.
NÞFertilização 2NÞMeiose (formation of spores) N ˚
In many other protozoa the diploid number of chromosomes is most of the cycle, where meiosis is gametic. Are therefore comparable to the cycle of metazoans. In protozoa that meiosis results in gametes and nuclei occurs in opalinídeos and ciliates. The cycle is called diplobionte.
2NÞ Meiosis (N) fertilization 2NÞ
There is also a cycle called haplodiplobionte known in some formníferos. In it the haploid and diploid phases correspond to different generations are likely to present phenomena of asexual multiplication. Meiosis is executed during the last mitotic cycle of haploid pairings. N ˚
Meiosis Fertilization 2NÞ
The protozoa multiply asexually more frequently, but regularly uses certain groups or under certain environmental conditions for mating, while others have complex cycles in which alternating stages of asexual multiplication and sexual reproduction. The ability to perform a sexual phase is restricted to ciliates, and apicomplexan taxa of flagellates and some Sarcodina.
The reproductive cycle of protozoa involves a period of growth followed by reproduction, growth of organisms resulting from its own and eventually reproduction. The period of individual growth ranges from several hours to several days or even several months, as occurs in the life cycles of certain foramníferos.
is the simpler process of multiplication, since starting from a single body that mitosis has formed another with the same genetic characteristics of the parental organism. If no mutations occur all the offspring will be comparable, thus constituting, clones.
There are the following methods: simple binary division
This type of reproduction is based bipartition in the cell body. Naked amoebae in there division plan, they simply assume a rounded shape and divide into two halves basically identical daughter cells receive directly the structure of the parent, just one of these individuals will be formed again, a contractile vacuole. Already in the testate amoebae there is considerable variability and its division often resembles the budding process (Fig. 1), as in Arcella. In these the protoplasm gradually spreads outward through the opening of the shell as a large pseudopodia, separating after mitosis. The body retains the generator shell and half the cytoplasm, while the other member of a secret new shell.
Figure 1. Binary division of Arcella.
the flagella body becomes constricted lengthwise and each individual has to differentiate a new flagellar apparatus.
Figure 2. Binary division of flagellates ciliates
In both types of nucleus (micronucleus and macro) are divided and the body is usually choked plasma (Fig. 3) across, each individual receives a pair of cores. Are needed as new distinctions: every half a second contractile vacuole and the daughter cell "later" a new cytostome, including specialized areas of cilia as the old cytostome moves to the body "before." The differentiation of new organelles begins within the first nuclear divisions and precedes the division of the cytoplasm. Some ciliates, eg, Colpoda, fall within cysts, initially in two brothers who form the new division after four ciliates, which are released when there is rupture of the cyst wall.
An exception to the transverse plane of division in ciliate Vorticella occurs, and this longitudinal study.
Figure 3. Binary division of Paramecium.
Plasmotomia: A variant of binary fission occurs in some protozoa, multicellular organisms that normally fall into more than two new, smaller bodies, and where the division regardless of cytoplasmic nuclear division. As occurs in certain Sarcodina Pelomyxa in opalinates, among others. Bodies siblings may differ in both size and number of cores they receive.
Division Multiple or fission (schizogony =)
Division Multiple follows the repeated mitoses, in some groups of protozoa, the nuclear division is followed immediately by citodierese. Then follows the accumulation many nuclei, perhaps thousands, before they start differentiating daughter cells. When this process begins to form almost simultaneously many organisms children. Then the cytoplasm divides into as much territory as the daughter nuclei, isolating elements or unicellular esquizozoítos. Occurs in protozoan parasites (Apicomplexa, Microspora, and Ascetospora Mixozoa) and some free-living species (and foramníferos "radiolaria").
Among the free-living protozoa, the foramníferos are distinct, because the sexual phase is a regular part of life cycle, alternating with a sexual phase
Figure 4 represents the complex life cycle of Plasmodium, where there are two phases - sexual and asexual, the schizogony occurs in liver cells and blood of humans.
Figure 4. Life cycle of Plasmodium.
Budding is a form of fission in the course of which the cell can only be affected by maternal reproductive process. In a simple bud suctório the ciliated father, sedentary, saves your feeder device, while performing nuclear division and is produced a terminal or lateral bud that will develop into larva becoming ciliated. In other cases, the bud and there are multiple simultaneous production from 4 to 12 larvae (In Ephelota), although in other suctórios, Acineta for example, the larva can arise by sprouting from the bottom of a matrix cavity formed by invagination of the body surface. In some ciliates, ie the order Apostomatida there are cases of formation of linear chains formed by budding ciliates.
ciliated organisms resulting from budding, swim freely until they settled on a substrate, they lose the cilia and tentacles develop fixator and peduncle feeders.
2.2. Sexual
free living protozoa usually resort to sexual reproduction when environmental conditions become adverse, because when environmental factors and food availability are favorable, asexual reproduction is.
Based on surface features are recognized some varieties of sexual activities in protozoa:
- - syngamy OR copulation, ie, the complete union of two haploid cells (gametes). In primitive forms, there is isogamy morphological, ie similarity of the two gametes. From it comes the anisogamy in which microgametes mobile (the male sex cells) join with macrogametas (female sex cells) properties, in most cases.
- - CONJUGATION: ie transient partial union of two individuals, in which haploid nuclei are exchanged each other so that, following completion of the separation, the nuclei of ex-conjugants have a new chromosomal trim combination. The combination is found only in ciliate protozoa more highly differentiated and richer in cytoplasmic differentiation. The cycle is diplobionte.
Two ciliates, in most cases with the same form, is to each other by the oral region, there is formed a cytoplasmic bridge.
Figure 5. Diagram of conjugation in ciliates
After marriage the cytostome, the macronucleus each became disorganized and disappears, while the micronucleus undergoes two successive divisions, namely meiosis.
- Of the four resulting nuclei, and the last three degenerate splits once again, the final two
nuclei are called Pronuclear: male and female.
- The male pronuclei migrate toward each other cell of your partner and
pronuclei unite with the female who had remained in place. The core
resulting merged in each cell is a zygote (syncarion) where the diploid number of chromosomes is restored
- The cells separate and each divides three times, producing eight nuclei
- The first two divisions are meiotic
- From 8 cores, 4 increase in size until it turned into so many
- One is being the micronucleus and the other disappear.
- Here are two normal divisions of the micronucleus and the entire cell (but without
multiplication of the macronucleus), resulting in the production end of the 4 ciliates
from one of two ex-conjugants, with a macronucleus and a micronucleus each.
partners together are hermaphrodites, they provide gametic nuclei of two types, which behave differently. Paramecia, but only when they belong to combine different but compatible types of pairing (Matingtypes). Before the conjunction is no emission of chemical signals by some ciliates, but in others, such as Paramecium, the chemical remains on the cell surface which expresses the response when the ciliates make physical contact.
These genes relate to the biochemical qualities of the lashes. In this case, the different types of pairing are determined from two alternatives for action loci of genes, so that a single individual only one locus is active.
In some species of Paramecium there is, in certain environmental conditions, or autogamous selfing: an unrelated partner pairing, meiosis takes place, and all subsequent changes, such as a combination "normal." The migratory and stationary nuclei of an individual flock then straight back in the zygotic micronucleus from which derive the new macro and micronuclei. Through this process of autogamy formed isozigóticos individuals and clones that are homozygous for all pairs de alelos. Este processo ocorre também em certos flagelados intestinais de insetos que se nutrem de madeira.
CITOGAMIA : é um caso misto, semelhante à conjugação, pelo fato de dois indivíduos se ligarem, mas onde não há ponte citoplasmática e nem troca de micronúcleo. O processo é AUTOGÂMICO.
Os ciliados denominados suctórios praticam um processo que é uma modificação da conjugação, pois os conjugantes têm aparência distinta. Quando um microconjugante localiza um macroconjugante eles se fundem. Isto é um tanto diferente do que ocorre na associação temporária de muitos ciliados.
Qual o real significado da conjugação and their transformation between intracellular protozoa? According Woodreff, 1925 (in Manwell, 1968 p.211) the "combination has a direct value for survival, and produce a profound stimulation of metabolic activities of the cell, which is expressed in the play." Phenomena such as sexual conjugation
play another key role, ensuring the continued existence of species. Like other forms of sexual reproduction, it results in a genetically diverse population better able to survive the inevitable changes in any environment.
is a special case of reproduction Sexual: After syngamy, the zygote undergoes repeated nuclear divisions, and only after they are finalized, you start playing the daughter cells. In this second phase of the multiplicative process, the sporogony resembles schizogony. In
Apicomplexa where sporogony alternates with each schizogony in the life cycle of the parasite sporogony often lead to the formation of elements protected by a sturdy wrap - Spozoites - designed to withstand the unfavorable external environment during transmission parasitic infection. CONCLUSION
then we saw that in many protozoa, sex appears occasionally, often caused by external actions and each individual is able to effect fertilization or go through changes (maturation) that lead to fertilization capacity. But in many species, certain individuals may only multiply asexually, while others are designed in the form of gametes, the sexual union. In a kind toggles, often in a given cycle, generations of individuals with each other that are different from their mode of reproduction are often also in their morphology. Thus, a development cycle that Gerace abrange uma série, de novo ao mesmo conduz state. Denote this by alternating processo Gerace; em parasites, prune to be linked to uma Mudanças of Hospedeiras, we mainly Apicomplexa, par example, we give agents malaria.
Osmotic pressure is that which would be necessary to stop the flow of water through the semipermeable membrane. When considered as semi-permeable to the plasma membrane, cells in multicellular organisms must remain in osmotic equilibrium with tissue fluids that bathe.
Meiosis I (first division of meiosis) is the most important because it occurs during chromosome synapsis, recombination and disjunction or segregation.
or prophase I: the chromatin condensation is followed by very close matching of homologous chromosomes with the synaptonemal complex formation and the formation of chiasmata (cross). These chiasmata are light microscopy and persist until metaphase I. Involve cross between two homologous chromatids (each from a homologous chromosome, while the other two do not work). Indicate that there has been a reciprocal recombination and there is at least one chiasma between each pair counterparts. You need a proper synaptonemal complex formation and presence of at least one chiasma between the counterparts to ensure normal disjunction.
or Metaphase I, homologous chromosomes are arranged aligned in the equatorial plane.
or Anaphase I: Homologous pairs separate, the sister chromatids remain together.
or Telophase I: have formed two daughter cells, each containing only one chromosome of homologous pair.
Meiosis II (second division of meiosis): formation of gametes.
or prophase II: DNA is not replicated, and the transition between the two divisions is very fast, similar to an isolated G2 period.
or Metaphase II: the chromosomes are arranged in aligning the equatorial plane.
or anaphase II, centromeres divide and sister chromatids migrate separately to each pole.
or telophase II: cell division is complete. They have won four haploid daughter cells.
or reduction in the number of chromosomes from diploid to haploid.
or segregation of alleles in meiosis I or meiosis II.
or mixture of genetic material by random distribution of homologous (Mendel's second law).
or recombination that provides additional mixing of genetic material.
ciliates found in the conjugation process - sexual reproduction in which only the nuclei fuse. Movies and join the macrocores disintegrate. Micronuclei undergo meyoticas divisions and produce haploid pronuclei. A migratory pronucleus of each cell goes to the other and merge with the corresponding stationary pronucleus to form new diploid nuclei.
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microbilogia POLIMERAZAS
OBJECTIVE: To identify the parts of the microscope compound, learn to perform a different approach and see samples. INTRODUCTION
The human eye can not distinguish objects smaller than 50 microns in diameter or unable to resolve two lines separated by less than 100 microns (ie, seen as one line).
To observe such small items is necessary to have a magnifying glass. These lenses are known since the time of Archimedes, but the optics as a discipline began to develop in the thirteenth century the Franciscan monk Roger Bacon. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
(Netherlands, 1632-1723), an amateur lens grinder, it succeeded in manufacturing lenses powerful enough to observe bacteria, fungi and protozoa, which he called "animalcules."
The first microscope was developed by Robert Hooke. From this, technological advances allowed the modern microscopes reach of our time, there are several types and are used for different purposes. Leeuwenhoek Microscope
ultraviolet light Microscope: its results are recorded photographically because the UV light is not visible and damage the retina. It is used in the detection of nucleic acids, which absorb this light.
dark field microscope, using a light intense in the form of a hollow cone concentrate on the specimen. The field of view of the target is located in the hollow cone of light and only reflects the light that is reflected in the object. Thus the clear portions of the specimen appear as a dark and tiny objects under analysis appear as a bright light on the bottom.
phase contrast microscope: enables the observation of samples without color, so it is useful to study live specimens.
transmission electron microscope (TEM) using an electron beam to produce the image. Allows the observation of macromolecular scale details.
electron microscope (SEM): in this case the electron beam does not pass through the sample, but that hits its surface. Allows high magnification images.
interference microscope, uses a source of polarized light. Useful to distinguish cellular structures that take on an appearance trimensional.
polarized light microscope, is a modification of the light microscope. Due to the phenomenon of birefringence can be observed fibrous crystalline substances and molecules.
stereoscopic microscope, is used to provide a stereoscopic (3D) of the sample. For this, as occurs in vision conventional binocular, it is necessary that the two eyes to observe the image with slightly different angles.
With the compound microscope are difficult to see organisms due to their lack of contrast and must be pigmented and the other types of microscopes such as the phase contrast is no longer necessary. The other types are more specialized microscopes can visualize different tissues and even detect DNA. MATERIAL
Compound Microscope coverglass
Porta and silk paper
Immersion oil
opens first diaphragm condenser climb to the top, using the screw of the capacitor. Select the target
lowest increase. We focus
preparation with the coarse screw, for use fine focus micrometer screw.
Close the diaphragm to find a light. Capacitor using screw it descended to clearly see the diaphragm appears as a hexagon. The focus with the rear screws.
Open the diaphragm to fill the same.
To observe the samples with the objective of 40X and 100X only refine the approach with micrometer screw. COMMENTS
newsprint was observed at 10X, 40X and 100X
scale sample
Dirt nail
1.Definir resolving power, power penetration and power of definition.
Resolving power: the ability to display the image in its finest details. Is inversely related to the resolution limit. Power
penetration: is the property of allowing the simultaneous observation of various levels of preparation. Is inversely proportional to the scale of reproduction or increase. Power
definition: the ability of the lens to form sharper image contours.
2. What is the role of coarse screw condenser and diaphragm? Screw
coarse, large knob, which allows you to rotate or zoom in the object being observed.
Iris: Adjusts the amount of light passing through the object under observation.
3. What is the role of ocular lenses and lens and as you know the total increase in the system?
Eye: lens near the eye of the beholder. Click the image of the target.
Objective: lens located near the preparation. Click an image of it.
to get the total system gain value is multiplied by the eyepiece lens.
4. Why do you use cedar oil immersion objectives?
The role of immersion oil is to restrict the movement of the sample, and avoid friction between the coverglass and the objective, it is usually used when we observe with the 100x objective. Another function of immersion oil is to keep the light away: on the contrary the aim is that the light gets focused onto the sample.
5. In the scheme of the microscope point out all its parts and mention the three systems comprising the microscope indicating the parties que los conforman
Sistema óptico: El sistema óptico es el encargado de reproducir y aumentar las imágenes mediante el conjunto de lentes que lo componen. Está formado por los oculares y los objetivos
Ocular: Lente situada cerca del ojo del observador. Amplía la imagen del objetivo.
Objetivo: Lente situada cerca de la preparación. Amplía la imagen de ésta.
Condensador: Lente que concentra los rayos luminosos sobre la preparación.
Diafragma: Regula la cantidad de luz que entra en el condensador.
Foco: Dirige los rayos luminosos hacia el condensador.
Sistema mecánico: La parte mecánica del microscopio comprende el pie, el tubo, el revólver, the handle, deck, truck, screw coarse and fine adjustment. These elements hold the optics and lighting as well as allowing the movement necessary to approach the object.
Support: Maintains the optics. It has two parts: the foot or base and arm.
Plate: Place where the preparation is deposited.
Header: Contains the ocular lens systems. It can be monocular, binocular, ... ..
Revolver: Contains the objective lens systems. Allows to turn, change the objectives.
approach Screws: Coarse approximating the approach and fine to get the right approach.
Lighting System: Este sistema tiene como finalidad dirigir la luz natural o artificial de tal manera que ilumine la preparación u objeto que se va a observar en el microscopio. Comprende los siguientes elementos:
El espejo. Tiene dos caras: una cóncava y otra plana. Goza de movimientos en todas las direcciones. La cara cóncava se emplea de preferencia con iluminación artificial, y la plana, para iluminación natural (luz solar). Modernamente se prescinde del espejo en la fabricación de microscopios, ya que éstos traen incorporada una lámpara colocada en el eje del microscopio.
Condensador. El condensador está formado por un sistema de lentes, cuya finalidad es concentrar los rayos luminosos sobre el plano de la preparación. El condenser is located beneath the deck. The capacitor can slide on a rack with a screw that determines its movement up or down.
diaphragm. Generally, the condenser is equipped with an iris diaphragm, which regulates the opening and controls the quality of light that must pass through the condenser. Conclusions
learned in this lab is to use the compound microscope, from the parts that make up how to make an approach to the different targets and prepare a sample. To become familiar with this, for use in subsequent practice.
Brock Biology of Microorganisms, Pearson Prentice Hall, Mexico 2004, 56 - 63 pp. Michael J. Pelczar
Microbiology, McGraw - Hil fourth edition, Mexico 1982. 225 to 230 pp.
OBJECTIVE: To identify the parts of the microscope compound, learn to perform a different approach and see samples. INTRODUCTION
The human eye can not distinguish objects smaller than 50 microns in diameter or unable to resolve two lines separated by less than 100 microns (ie, seen as one line).
To observe such small items is necessary to have a magnifying glass. These lenses are known since the time of Archimedes, but the optics as a discipline began to develop in the thirteenth century the Franciscan monk Roger Bacon. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
(Netherlands, 1632-1723), an amateur lens grinder, it succeeded in manufacturing lenses powerful enough to observe bacteria, fungi and protozoa, which he called "animalcules."
The first microscope was developed by Robert Hooke. From this, technological advances allowed the modern microscopes reach of our time, there are several types and are used for different purposes. Leeuwenhoek Microscope
ultraviolet light Microscope: its results are recorded photographically because the UV light is not visible and damage the retina. It is used in the detection of nucleic acids, which absorb this light.
dark field microscope, using a light intense in the form of a hollow cone concentrate on the specimen. The field of view of the target is located in the hollow cone of light and only reflects the light that is reflected in the object. Thus the clear portions of the specimen appear as a dark and tiny objects under analysis appear as a bright light on the bottom.
phase contrast microscope: enables the observation of samples without color, so it is useful to study live specimens.
transmission electron microscope (TEM) using an electron beam to produce the image. Allows the observation of macromolecular scale details.
electron microscope (SEM): in this case the electron beam does not pass through the sample, but that hits its surface. Allows high magnification images.
interference microscope, uses a source of polarized light. Useful to distinguish cellular structures that take on an appearance trimensional.
polarized light microscope, is a modification of the light microscope. Due to the phenomenon of birefringence can be observed fibrous crystalline substances and molecules.
stereoscopic microscope, is used to provide a stereoscopic (3D) of the sample. For this, as occurs in vision conventional binocular, it is necessary that the two eyes to observe the image with slightly different angles.
With the compound microscope are difficult to see organisms due to their lack of contrast and must be pigmented and the other types of microscopes such as the phase contrast is no longer necessary. The other types are more specialized microscopes can visualize different tissues and even detect DNA. MATERIAL
Compound Microscope coverglass
Porta and silk paper
Immersion oil
opens first diaphragm condenser climb to the top, using the screw of the capacitor. Select the target
lowest increase. We focus
preparation with the coarse screw, for use fine focus micrometer screw.
Close the diaphragm to find a light. Capacitor using screw it descended to clearly see the diaphragm appears as a hexagon. The focus with the rear screws.
Open the diaphragm to fill the same.
To observe the samples with the objective of 40X and 100X only refine the approach with micrometer screw. COMMENTS
newsprint was observed at 10X, 40X and 100X
scale sample
Dirt nail
1.Definir resolving power, power penetration and power of definition.
Resolving power: the ability to display the image in its finest details. Is inversely related to the resolution limit. Power
penetration: is the property of allowing the simultaneous observation of various levels of preparation. Is inversely proportional to the scale of reproduction or increase. Power
definition: the ability of the lens to form sharper image contours.
2. What is the role of coarse screw condenser and diaphragm? Screw
coarse, large knob, which allows you to rotate or zoom in the object being observed.
Iris: Adjusts the amount of light passing through the object under observation.
3. What is the role of ocular lenses and lens and as you know the total increase in the system?
Eye: lens near the eye of the beholder. Click the image of the target.
Objective: lens located near the preparation. Click an image of it.
to get the total system gain value is multiplied by the eyepiece lens.
4. Why do you use cedar oil immersion objectives?
The role of immersion oil is to restrict the movement of the sample, and avoid friction between the coverglass and the objective, it is usually used when we observe with the 100x objective. Another function of immersion oil is to keep the light away: on the contrary the aim is that the light gets focused onto the sample.
5. In the scheme of the microscope point out all its parts and mention the three systems comprising the microscope indicating the parties que los conforman
Sistema óptico: El sistema óptico es el encargado de reproducir y aumentar las imágenes mediante el conjunto de lentes que lo componen. Está formado por los oculares y los objetivos
Ocular: Lente situada cerca del ojo del observador. Amplía la imagen del objetivo.
Objetivo: Lente situada cerca de la preparación. Amplía la imagen de ésta.
Condensador: Lente que concentra los rayos luminosos sobre la preparación.
Diafragma: Regula la cantidad de luz que entra en el condensador.
Foco: Dirige los rayos luminosos hacia el condensador.
Sistema mecánico: La parte mecánica del microscopio comprende el pie, el tubo, el revólver, the handle, deck, truck, screw coarse and fine adjustment. These elements hold the optics and lighting as well as allowing the movement necessary to approach the object.
Support: Maintains the optics. It has two parts: the foot or base and arm.
Plate: Place where the preparation is deposited.
Header: Contains the ocular lens systems. It can be monocular, binocular, ... ..
Revolver: Contains the objective lens systems. Allows to turn, change the objectives.
approach Screws: Coarse approximating the approach and fine to get the right approach.
Lighting System: Este sistema tiene como finalidad dirigir la luz natural o artificial de tal manera que ilumine la preparación u objeto que se va a observar en el microscopio. Comprende los siguientes elementos:
El espejo. Tiene dos caras: una cóncava y otra plana. Goza de movimientos en todas las direcciones. La cara cóncava se emplea de preferencia con iluminación artificial, y la plana, para iluminación natural (luz solar). Modernamente se prescinde del espejo en la fabricación de microscopios, ya que éstos traen incorporada una lámpara colocada en el eje del microscopio.
Condensador. El condensador está formado por un sistema de lentes, cuya finalidad es concentrar los rayos luminosos sobre el plano de la preparación. El condenser is located beneath the deck. The capacitor can slide on a rack with a screw that determines its movement up or down.
diaphragm. Generally, the condenser is equipped with an iris diaphragm, which regulates the opening and controls the quality of light that must pass through the condenser. Conclusions
learned in this lab is to use the compound microscope, from the parts that make up how to make an approach to the different targets and prepare a sample. To become familiar with this, for use in subsequent practice.
Brock Biology of Microorganisms, Pearson Prentice Hall, Mexico 2004, 56 - 63 pp. Michael J. Pelczar
Microbiology, McGraw - Hil fourth edition, Mexico 1982. 225 to 230 pp.
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NUCLEOLUS practice
is a spherical structure surrounded by nucleoplasm, each nucleolus is produced by a nucleolar organizer region (NOR) located in a specific chromosome nucleolus organizer. This organelle remains attached to the NOR. A genome may include one or more chromosomes and nucleolus organizers may be one or more nucleoli in the same nucleus, the nucleoli are fused, so that a nucleolar count is not an indication of the number of nucleolar organizing chromosomes in a complement of chromosomes . The NOR is located near the end of a chromosome and a satellite chromosome is projected beyond the NOR.
5S RNA produced in the nucleoplasm and ribosomal subunit proteins imported from cytoplasm to form ribosomal subunits precursors in the nucleolus. Mature subunits in the nuclear limits or immediately adjacent cytoplasm once they have been transported outside the nucleus.
can distinguish four components:
1. Granular zone: containing particles diffuse about 25 nm wide, which represent close to complete ribosomal subunits.
2. Fibrilar area, with ill-defined fibrils RNA transcripts in the form of nucleoprotein, are 5 nm in diameter.
3. Nucleolar Chromatin Area: consists of 10 bags cromosomitas nm in width that extends beyond the point of accession with the NOR chromosome.
4. Nucleolar matrix: no structure in which these materials are distributed.
The nucleolus can be enlarged in active cells and inactive cells reduced due to the expansion or reduction of the granular zone.
1.-Explain what may be the reason for the free passage of water through the cell membrane.
The contents of all living cells are surrounded by a thin membrane called the plasma membrane, or cell, which marks the boundary between the cell contents and the environment external. The plasma membrane is a continuous film formed by a double layer of lipid molecules and proteins, between 4and 5 nm thick and acts as a selective barrier regulating the chemical composition of the cell. Most of the ions and water-soluble molecules are unable to cross this barrier spontaneously, or require the concurrence of specific transport proteins or channel proteins. This keeps the cell concentration of ions and small molecules different from those prevailing in the external environment. Another mechanism is the formation of small membrane vesicles that are incorporated into the plasma membrane or separated it, allows animal cells to transfer even larger macromolecules and particles through the membrane.
2.-Say is the purpose of placing the blood in an isotonic solution.
water concentration remains constant within and outside the cell, so its volume and shape is not altered. With erythrocytes can be stored for long periods in a solution of sodium chloride 0.9% have shown no change or hemolysis.
3 .- What are the differences observed between the animal and plant cells in the presence of hypotonic solution? And explain the cause.
In animal cells erythrocytes swell and become broken, in the case of plant cells rigid cell wall helps them avoid an excessive increase, therefore no breakdown of the cell wall.
4.-Of the substances used (starch, ammonium hydroxide and phenolphthalein). Tell which one (s) cross the membrane of cellophane and as demonstrated this.
The substance that crossed the membrane was phenolphthalein and ammonium hydroxide was demonstrated when the glass of 500ml. Phenolphthalein was added water and stirred, and then change the color from clear to very faint pink.
5.-If the results of his practice were not expected, please explain which could be due.
were not obtained and we could not do the cellophane. QUESTIONNAIRE
1.-Tell that to be the biggest release of oxygen in some tissues.
For the peroxisomes that are more abundant in the tissues.
2.-Explain that represents the value of the slope in the equations obtained
The concentration of each sample.
3.-Explain the usefulness of the method of least squares in biological studies. Help
to graph or draw an average of data obtained from a biological study.
is a spherical structure surrounded by nucleoplasm, each nucleolus is produced by a nucleolar organizer region (NOR) located in a specific chromosome nucleolus organizer. This organelle remains attached to the NOR. A genome may include one or more chromosomes and nucleolus organizers may be one or more nucleoli in the same nucleus, the nucleoli are fused, so that a nucleolar count is not an indication of the number of nucleolar organizing chromosomes in a complement of chromosomes . The NOR is located near the end of a chromosome and a satellite chromosome is projected beyond the NOR.
5S RNA produced in the nucleoplasm and ribosomal subunit proteins imported from cytoplasm to form ribosomal subunits precursors in the nucleolus. Mature subunits in the nuclear limits or immediately adjacent cytoplasm once they have been transported outside the nucleus.
can distinguish four components:
1. Granular zone: containing particles diffuse about 25 nm wide, which represent close to complete ribosomal subunits.
2. Fibrilar area, with ill-defined fibrils RNA transcripts in the form of nucleoprotein, are 5 nm in diameter.
3. Nucleolar Chromatin Area: consists of 10 bags cromosomitas nm in width that extends beyond the point of accession with the NOR chromosome.
4. Nucleolar matrix: no structure in which these materials are distributed.
The nucleolus can be enlarged in active cells and inactive cells reduced due to the expansion or reduction of the granular zone.
1.-Explain what may be the reason for the free passage of water through the cell membrane.
The contents of all living cells are surrounded by a thin membrane called the plasma membrane, or cell, which marks the boundary between the cell contents and the environment external. The plasma membrane is a continuous film formed by a double layer of lipid molecules and proteins, between 4and 5 nm thick and acts as a selective barrier regulating the chemical composition of the cell. Most of the ions and water-soluble molecules are unable to cross this barrier spontaneously, or require the concurrence of specific transport proteins or channel proteins. This keeps the cell concentration of ions and small molecules different from those prevailing in the external environment. Another mechanism is the formation of small membrane vesicles that are incorporated into the plasma membrane or separated it, allows animal cells to transfer even larger macromolecules and particles through the membrane.
2.-Say is the purpose of placing the blood in an isotonic solution.
water concentration remains constant within and outside the cell, so its volume and shape is not altered. With erythrocytes can be stored for long periods in a solution of sodium chloride 0.9% have shown no change or hemolysis.
3 .- What are the differences observed between the animal and plant cells in the presence of hypotonic solution? And explain the cause.
In animal cells erythrocytes swell and become broken, in the case of plant cells rigid cell wall helps them avoid an excessive increase, therefore no breakdown of the cell wall.
4.-Of the substances used (starch, ammonium hydroxide and phenolphthalein). Tell which one (s) cross the membrane of cellophane and as demonstrated this.
The substance that crossed the membrane was phenolphthalein and ammonium hydroxide was demonstrated when the glass of 500ml. Phenolphthalein was added water and stirred, and then change the color from clear to very faint pink.
5.-If the results of his practice were not expected, please explain which could be due.
were not obtained and we could not do the cellophane. QUESTIONNAIRE
1.-Tell that to be the biggest release of oxygen in some tissues.
For the peroxisomes that are more abundant in the tissues.
2.-Explain that represents the value of the slope in the equations obtained
The concentration of each sample.
3.-Explain the usefulness of the method of least squares in biological studies. Help
to graph or draw an average of data obtained from a biological study.
Rear Projection Bent Convergence Line
The DNA polymerizes polymerizes
The DNA is an enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of DNA from deoxyribonucleotides and a DNA template or mold.
After the action of DNA polymerization and once I have removed and added about a 10 bases, the enzyme involved ligaza DNA, which connects the free ends of newly formed fragment with the rest of the chain, thereby recovering
normal DNA structure property of polymerizing DNA to replicate DNA strands are used for chain reaction polymerization, known as PCR for its acronym in English, for a large number of copies of a particular DNA fragment, amplifying for research purposes
polymerized DNA (enzyme that makes a polymer of DNA ") plays a critical role in the synthesis of new DNA chains. In each replication fork, DNA polymerization and other enzymes synthesize two new strands of DNA that are complementary to the 2 parental chains. During this process, recognizes polymerized DNA nucleotide base unpaired parental chain and combines with free nucleotide that has the correct complementary base. Next, the polymerized DNA catalyzes the formation of new covalent bonds linking the nucleotide phosphate free incoming nucleotide sugar previously added to the growing daughter strand. Thus, the DNA synthesizes polymerized sugar-phosphate backbone of the daughter strand RNA polymerization
The RNA-resin are a set of proteins as an enzyme capable of polymerizing ribonucleotides to synthesize RNA from a DNA sequence that serves as pattern or mold. The RNA polymerization is the most important involved in the synthesis of messenger RNA or transcription DNA. RNA polymerization
The soluble enzyme is known as the largest measuring about 100 angstroms in diameter and is visible in electron micrographs, showing together with the promoter DNA. Features
The chemical reaction catalyzed RNA polymerization is the union of ribonucleotide triphosphate, adenine triphosphate (ATP), uracil triphosphate (UTP), guanine triphosphate (GTP) and cytosine triphosphate (CTP), releasing the phosphate groups.
addition polymerization of ribonucleotide triphosphate, RNA polymerization has other functions as
• Recoconer and bind to specific sites or promoters of the molecule RNA. • Unroll partially
template DNA molecule due to its intrinsic helicaza activity.
• Synthesize an RNA primer for subsequent elongation.
• Completion of the chain. The RNA catalyzes
consecutively polymerized chain elongation of RNA, while winds and unwinds the double-stranded DNA, and transcription ends after copying the gene. Structure
This complexity of functions is manifested in its quaternary structure, as well as DNA polymerization, is formed by several subunits that form the holoenzyme, which together with accessory proteins form a complex machine transcription or protein carrying out the synthesis of RNA.
Some isolated subunits of the RNA are catalytically polymerized functional, while others can only be detected when the transcription complex is fully assembled.
transcription complexes from different organisms have a variable composition, but essentially all catalyze the same type of reactions. Given this coincidence, the study of the transcription process is modeled after the reactions catalyzed by the transcription complex of Escherichia coli bacteria, although it differs in the assembly of eukaryotic cells, they act similarly.
The RNA polymerization was discovered while messenger RNA in 1960 by Samuel Weiss and researchers of different laboratories Hurwits Jerard. Polymerized RNA in prokaryotes
In prokaryotes, the same enzyme catalyzes the synthesis of all types of RNA: mRNA, rRNA and tRNA.
The prokaryotic RNA polymerizes in a large molecule. It consists of five subunits of approximately 410 kilodaltons α2ββ'ω, with two identical α units, which binds to DNA non-specifically to catalyze the synthesis of RNA. To join a specific promoter regions, the holoenzyme requires the σ factor that greatly reduces the affinity for nonspecific DNA regions, increasing the specificity by regions promoter to form the holoenzyme α2ββ'σω five subunits (~ 480 kDa). The structure of the RNA polymerization has a groove of 55 Å in length and width 25 Å. This slot allows the passage of the DNA double helix is \u200b\u200b20 Å. The length of 55 Å can accept the sequence of 16 nucleotides.
All enzyme units are working together to carry out the transcription reactions. The β subunit 'involved in the binding of DNA, the β subunit contains part of the active site and the σ subunit is mainly involved in the initiation of transcription and dissociate from the rest of the enzyme after the initiation of transcription.
The polymerized RNA prokaryotic organisms operate in a similar manner, although some protein subunit differs in its composition. Eukaryotic RNA polymerization
eukaryotic cells have different types of RNA polymerization.
• RNA polymerization I: synthesizes ribosomal RNA precursors.
• RNA polymerization II: synthesizes messenger RNA precursors. This polymerization is the most studied, and transcription factors are required to be a DNA promoters. • RNA polymerization
III synthesizes transfer RNA, 5S ribosomal RNA and other small RNAs found in the cell nucleus and cytoplasm.
• Other types of RNA are polymerized in the mitochondria and chloroplast and the nucleus of the ribosome.
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Mitosis 7
Mitosis Mitosis is the process of formation of two identical cells (usually) for replication and division of chromosomes from the original resulting in a "copy" of it.
eukaryotic cells have a higher number of chromosomes as the other hand are much larger than those of prokaryotes. The structure and condensed replicated chromosomes have several points of interest. The kinetochore is the point where "anchor" the spindle microtubules. Replicated chromosomes consist of two DNA molecules (along with their associated proteins: histones) that are known by the name of chromatids. The area where both chromatids are in contact is called the centromere, the kinetochore is on the outside of the centromere. It should be emphasized that the chromosomes are chromatin (histone DNA more) and noted the peculiarity that the ends of chromosomes (which are named after telomere) are repeated sequences of DNA.
Scheme of a chromosome. Modified from
Depending on the position of the centromere of chromosomes are classified as:
A. telocentric, with the centromere at one end
B. acrocentric, one arm is very short
C. submetacentric, different lengths
D. metacentric, arms of equal length
DNA DNA-associated proteins are collectively known by the name of histones. Relatively short polypeptides are positively charged (basic) and therefore are attracted to the negatively charged acid (DNA) Histones are synthesized in quantity during the S phase (S for synthesis) of the cell cycle. One of the functions of these proteins is related to DNA packaging in the form of chromosome: 2 meters of DNA from human cells are packaged in 46 chromosomes of a combined length of approximately 200 nm. The cell has about 90 million molecules of histones with the majority belonging to a type known as H1. Known five types of following histones (H1, H2A, H2B, H3 and H4, 8 molecules in total), with the exception of most H1 histones of eukaryotes are very similar.
Image modified from the University of Illinois' site DNA and Protein Synthesis.
The nucleosome is the fundamental unit of "bundling" of eukaryotic DNA. The "reel" ("core") of the same consists of two molecules of H2A, H2B, H3 and H4, around which DNA is wound twice (1). Histone 1 is outside the "reel." This level of packaging (packing) is known as "beads on a necklace" (2). The next level is called 30 nm fiber, whose details are not known organization completely. The fibers were subsequently condensed into loop domains of 300 nm (3). Domains are part of the condensed sections (4) (700 nm) of chromosomes (chromosome has a width of 1,400 nm at metaphase) (5).
During mitosis replicated chromosomes are positioned near the middle of the cell and then segregate so that each resulting cell receives a copy of each original chromosome (if you start with 46 chromosomes in the original cell ends up with 46 chromosomes resulting in 2 cells). To do this cells utilize microtubules (in this case together form the mitotic spindle) that "pull" of the chromosomes to bring to each future cell. Animal cells (except a group of worms known as the nematode) have centrioles. Plants and most other eukaryotes do not have centrioles and prokaryotes, of course, no spindle and centrioles, cell membrane in prokaryotes supplies this function to drag the chromosomes attached to it during the cytokinesis of binary fission. Cells that contain centrioles also have a "crown" of small microtubule aster, that extend from the centrioles to the nuclear membrane.
phases of mitosis are really difficult to separate. Keep in mind that the process is not static described in the text, but dynamic and which can be followed in
Prophase Prophase is the first stage of mitosis. The chromatin condenses (remember that DNA is replicated chromatin in the interphase), so at this point there are two chromatids together. The nuclear membrane dissolves, centrioles (if present) are divided and the couple migrated to the poles, the mitotic spindle is formed. Centromeres (or primary constraints) become clearly visible, because they have associated protein plaques on both sides: the kinetochore. In the cytoplasm the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex is fragmented into vesicles, the cytoskeleton is disrupted by As the cell loses its original shape and becomes spherical.
Modified: Metaphase
The following metaphase prophase. The chromosomes (which at this point consist of two chromatids held together at the centromere) reach their maximum condensation and migrate to Ecuador from the cell where the spindle fibers are "glued" to the kinetochore fibers.
Anaphase Anaphase begins with the separation of the centromeres and the drag of the chromatids (we call chromosomes after the separation of centromeres) to opposite poles.
Modified: Telophase
In telophase the chromosomes reach the poles of their respective zones, reconstituted nuclear membrane, the chromosomes uncoil and become the chromatin and the nucleolus, which disappeared in prophase reconstituting. Where once there was now two small cell with exactly the same genetic information and chromosome number. These cells can then differentiate into different forms during development.
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is the process of destroying all forms of microbial life. A sterile object in the microbiological sense, free from living microorganisms. SANITATION
consists of reducing the microbial population to harmless levels through an agent, according to the requirements of public health, is usually a chemical agent that kills 99.9% bacteria growth.
Destruction of potentially pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Disinfection can be accomplished by wet or dry heat, radiation, and autoclave (moist heat under pressure) or chemical treatment. Chlorination is a major disinfection procedure in water purification. SANITATION
is a concentrated disinfectant based on quaternary ammonium complex generation, control and eliminate pathogens. Has high effectiveness in controlling microorganisms associated with diseases of high incidence, such as bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, E coli, Salmonella typhi, Klebsiella pneumoniae.
So Moist heat inactivation requires lower temperatures than is done in the absence of water. Some examples of conditions of wet heat inactivation: Microbe
Most vegetative cells of bacteria, yeasts and fungi 80 o C, 5-10 min 58oC
tubercle bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis 30 min
59oC, 20 min
tubercle bacillus 65oC, 2 min
Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis 60 C, 60 min
Most pathogenic bacteria spores 100oC, few min
pathogen Clostridium botulinum spores 100oC, 5.5 hours
Clostridium and Bacillus spores 100oC saprophytes, many hours
Clostridium and Bacillus spores of saprophytes 120oC, 15 minutes
methods main achieved by heat sterilization of wet: Autoclave
Introduced by Chamberland in 1884. Is a device that allows warm moist heat samples to temperatures above the boiling point of water (not boiling it), because the treatment is carried out in a sealed chamber saturated with water vapor at pressures above atmospheric. Sterilization parameters usually are: temperature 121 ° C and 10-15 min. As you might guess, these parameters are set by the resistance of spores of species that are more life forms that endure the heat without losing viability.
quick action of moist heat is largely dependent on the high value of latent heat of water (540 cal • g-1), this means that colder objects to warm up quickly by condensation of water on its surface. Tindalización
name in honor of John Tyndall is a fractional sterilization method for materials that are inactivated or damaged more than 100 º C. Involves subjecting the material to several cycles (usually 3 or 4) successive phases each:
a) In the first phase the material is heated to a temperature between 50 and 100 ° C for 1 to 2 hours;
b) the second phase the material is incubated in an oven at 30-37 º C for 24 hours.
During phases of type a) killed all vegetative cells of the sample, but remain viable spores, which are activated to germinate. During phases of type b) produce germination of spores activated in the respective preceding stage. In the next phase of type a) vegetative cells die from germination in the previous phase, and so on, until after a few cycles there is no microorganisms in the sample.
Main applications of moist heat:
1. In the daily practice of the microbiology laboratory in the sterilization of culture media and solutions.
2. In the sterilization of surgical material.
3. In partial sterilization or inactivation, in the food (canned food, milk and dairy products).
a) In the dairy industry use as methods of sterilization uperización call. The uperización or UHT treatment is a moist heat treatment where high temperatures are used for a few seconds (eg.: 135-150 ° C for 1-2 sec.)
b) It is not always necessary to sterilize the milk, but may be sufficient to eliminate potential pathogens that can contaminate it, and are more sensitive to heat than harmless saprophytes. This partial inactivation of the microbial population of the milk we will keep it for a few days, just alter organoleptic and nutritional qualities. Here are the most common procedures to achieve this:
i. Pasteurization (in honor of Pasteur, which was introduced in the early 1860) is to treat the milk to 63oC for 30 min, after which it is cooled and packed quickly.
ii. The flash pasteurization (also known by its initials in English HTST of high temperature-short time) is accomplished by heating at 72 ° C for 15 seconds, after which the sample is cooled quickly. This technique is currently the most widely used because:
kills faster;
better kill resistant organisms;
least altered taste;
operates in continuous flow (and can process large volumes of milk).
After pasteurization, the number of viable bacteria dropped by 97-99%. Potential pathogens that can bring the milk (Brucella, Salmonella, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus, etc.) are easily removed. Pasteurization is also used for the preparation of vaccines based on inactivated microorganisms by heat. DRY HEAT
dry heat sterilization at higher temperatures need to resort to the made by the wet heat, because there is no water, breakage of hydrogen bonds and denaturation of proteins and membrane fusion is carried out at higher energies. Other effects of dry heat are the oxidative damage and lead to increased concentration of electrolytes. Application of dry heat
1. The so-called Pasteur oven by heating at 160-170 ° C for 2-3 hours can sterilize laboratory inert heat resistant material: glass and metal, oils and jellies, etc.
2. Flamed to the flame (to red) seed metal handles, which are inoculated with bacteria.
3. Incineration of waste materials. BOILING
or objects contaminated materials exposed to boiling can not be sterilized effectively. It is true that all vegetative cells destroyed in minutes when exposed to boiling, but some bacterial spores resist boiling for several hours. With the present instrumental practice for short periods to get more than boiling water disinfection sterilization, for that reason can not be used in the laboratory and sterilization method. INCINERATION
Mata microorganisms, this method is used to destroy skeletons, animals infected laboratory waste and other infected materials. The destruction of microorganisms by incineration also performed routinely in laboratories when introduced into the flame of a Bunsen burner handle plantings but Be careful not to produce sparks otherwise be scattered droplets carrying viable organisms, the sputtering is reduced or eliminated by drying the crops handle calls outside before putting it in this. FILTRATION
Some materials, particularly biological fluids such as serum of animals or solutions of substances such as enzymes and some vitamins or antibiotics, are thermolabile, is destroyed by heat. Also other physical agents such as radiation are harmful to these materials and impractical to sterilize them, therefore have the option to do so by filtration.
BACTERIOLOGICAL FILTERS For many years a variety of bacterial filters have been available to microbiologists. These filters are made of different materials: plates Seitz asbestos filters, diatomaceous earth in the Berkefeld, the Chamberland porcelain - Pasteur, glass fiber discs in other filters.
pore diameters bacteriological filters measured from about 1 micron to several. Almost all the filters are based on the average of opening your pores, porosity alone is not the only factor that prevents the passage of microorganisms. Other factors such as the electric charge of the filter, the electrical load of microorganisms and the nature of the liquid to be filtered, are related to the effectiveness of filtration.
In recent years we have developed a new type of filter (membrane or molecular) in which the pores are of uniform size and specific and determined. The membrane filters are composed of molecular or biological inert cellulose esters. Circular membranes are prepared as approximately 150 microns thick and contain millions of microscopic pores of very uniform diameter. Filters of this type can produce porosity ranging from about 0.01 to 10 microns. Have also been adapted to microbiological processes to identify and enumerate microorganisms in water samples and other materials.
filters Developing high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) has made it possible to obtain clean air indoors or quarters. This type of filtration and laminar flow system, are widely used for outdoor dust and bacteria.
radiation can be defined as the propagation of energy through space. The main types of radiation can have effects on living things are: l
electromagnetic radiation (wavelengths in nm)
infrared (IR) light radiation
800-106 380-800
ultraviolet (UV) rays from 13.6 to 380
0.14-13.6 X-ray cosmic rays
0.001 to 0.14 g
The effects of radiation absorption depends on: < 0.001
the radiation energy absorbed;
The nature of the material.
1) If the energy is E> 10 eV, we speak of ionizing radiation: are the X-rays and g rays (the latter are issued as a result of the disintegration of radioisotopes). A high-energy photon strikes an atom, causing the expulsion of a high-energy electron (photoelectron), and leaving the atom ionized (positively charged). The electron usually expelled enough energy to cause a new ionization, which comes another high-energy electron, etc.. ionizations produced a string with linear energy transfer, until it is dissipated in the material: the last electron in the chain is captured by another atom or molecule, which is negatively charged. The end result is that form ion pairs (one positive and one negative). In turn, these ions originated electronic rearrangements tend to experience further, that give rise to chemical changes in the system that had undergone irradiation.
2) If the energy is E
Fluorescence: emission energy at a longer wavelength than the incident photon; <10 eV, no se producen ionizaciones: los electrones del átomo o molécula pasan transitoriamente (de 10-8 a 10-10 segundos) a un nivel energético superior (entonces se habla de que el átomo o molécula están excitados), pero enseguida dicho electrón vuelve al estado energético inicial. En su regreso a su nivel energético previo, el electrón puede dar origen a una variedad de fenómenos:
Photosensitization: energy is transferred to another molecule,
photochemical reactions: it creates a chemical change;
emission of heat energy simply dissipates in collisions between molecules.
visible and UV light can lead to photochemical reactions, apart from heat. But the only infrared radiation leads to heat dissipation, while certain anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria can take advantage of the infrared for photosynthesis.
Although the radiation unit emitted is the roentgen (R), biological effects parameters are used to measure the energy absorbed by the system: the units are the rad (100 erg / g) and gigaray (1Gy = 100 rads).
In general, microorganisms are more resistant to ionizing radiation that superior beings. For example, the decimal reduction dose (D10) for the endospores of certain species of Clostridium is of 2000-3000 Gy. Vegetative cells of the bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans is 2,200 Gy. Other more "normal" have a decimal reduction doses around 200-600 Gy.
ionizing radiation sources are X-ray machines, g rays radioisotopes, such as Co60 or Cs137.
The effects of ionizing radiation are lethal, both direct and indirect, as well as mutagenic. Direct lethal effects are achieved with high doses of radiation, while the indirect lethal and mutagenic effects are achieved at lower doses.
1. Direct lethal effect: on the impact of those of ionizing radiation on a molecule essential for life, which is DNA (as obviously it is absolutely essential and provides a single copy of most bacterial genes). DNA damage are principally breaks in both strands, and cross-linking between these chains, which can not be repaired.
2. Mutagenic effect, derived from the production minor damage to DNA can be repaired by error-prone mechanisms.
3. Indirect lethal effect: This type of effect is most important, and derives from the radiolysis of water, which generates nascent hydrogen (H •) and hydroxyl radical (OH •). The hydroxyl radical reacts readily with macromolecules, especially DNA, causing breaks in both strands, which results in lethal effects. If, in addition, the bacterium is exposed to oxygen while it is radiating, the effect is even stronger, because the O2 reacts with free radicals, causing chain reactions of auto-oxidation, very destructive, and promoting training peroxides and epoxides also lethal.
H • + O2 à • 2 •
HO2 HO2 H2O2 + O2 à
The main applications of ionizing radiation are sterilization: Material
pharmaceuticals (antibiotics, hormones, etc.);
medical and surgical equipment (gloves surgeon, nylon sutures, syringes, needles, scalpels, catheters, prostheses, etc.);
Packaged Foods (although some countries still open debate by certain groups about the safety of this treatment.)
UV radiation has Lethal and mutagenic effect, which depends on its wavelength. This is due to selective absorption of wavelengths of certain biological molecules:
Proteins have two peaks (ie maximum) absorption: one at 280 nm due to aromatic amino acids (Trp, Tyr, Phe ) and another at 230 nm, due to the peptide.
DNA and RNA absorb at 260 nm, due to the double bond between positions 4 and 5 of the purine and pyrimidine bases.
UV rays are not active ionizing radiation, but also cause chemical changes in the absorbing molecules, so called generically altered molecules appear photoproducts. Photoproducts originate inactivation of macromolecules, although, as we shall see, the DNA has mechanisms to mitigate or eliminate these potentially damaging changes.
The consequences of inactivating proteins or RNA are felt no lethal effects, as there are many copies of each of these types of macromolecules, and can be re-synthesized. In contrast, inactivation of the single chromosome of the bacterium is lethal mutagenic primary and secondary. Therefore, the spectrum of biological action of UV light equivalent to UV absorption by DNA (260 nm).
Factors should be considered in the selection of antimicrobial chemicals are
1. Nature of the material to be treated.
2. Types of microorganisms.
3. Environmental conditions.
phenol has the double distinction of having been used by Lister in the 1860 in its work to develop aseptic surgical techniques and to be the standard for comparison with other disinfectants to test their bacteria. Denaturing
first cell proteins and cell membranes after damage.
phenolic compounds are bactericidal or bacteriostatic depending on the concentration at which they are used. Bacterial spores and viruses are more resistant than vegetative cells. Some phenolic compounds are highly fungicides. The activity of these compounds is reduced at alkaline pH and organic material. It also decreases the antimicrobial activity at low temperature and in the presence of soap.
ethyl alcohol concentrations between 50% and 70% is effective against vegetative cells and spores do not produce, 70% is the most effective bacterial concentration.
concentrations acting against the vegetative cells are largely ineffective against spores bacteria.
The methyl alcohol is less bactericidal than ethyl alcohol and is also highly toxic and is not used in general for her destruction of microorganisms. The higher alcohols (propyl, butyl, amyl and others) are more germicidal than ethyl is an increase in germicidal power is increased as molecular weight alcohols.
The propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol in concentrations between 40% and 80% have been reported as useful for disinfecting the skin.
The effectiveness of alcohol for disinfection of surfaces should be attributed to its action cleanser or detergent.
Alcohol reduces the microbial flora of the skin and serves to disinfect oral clinical thermometers.
alcohol concentrations above 60% are effective against the virus, this action is influenced considerably by the amount of foreign protein material in the mix. Foreign proteins react with the alcohol and so the virus is protected. HALOGEN
is one of the oldest and biocides effective. Recognized by the United States Pharmacopoeia in 1830, the pure iodine is a dark blue crystal element with a metallic sheen. Is not very soluble in water but much alcohol and aqueous solutions of sodium or potassium iodide.
This item is traditionally used as a germicidal agent in the form known como tintura de yodo. El yodo también se usa en las formas conocidas como yodoforas.
Uno de los agentes es la polivinilpirrolidona (PVP); el complejo se expresa PVP-I, el yodo se libera lentamente de este compuesto. Las sustancias yodoforas poseen las características germicidas del yodo y las ventajas adicionales de producir muy poca irritación y no teñir.
El yodo es un agente bactericida muy eficaz y el único que tiene efectos contra toda clase de bacterias, también tiene propiedades esporocidas.
Posee propiedades funguicidas y antivirales importantes, las soluciones de yodo se usan principalmente para desinfectar la piel. También sirve para otros propósitos, como la desinfección del agua, aire (vapores iodine) and sanitation of utensils used in food.
Iodine is an oxidizing agent and this partly accounts for their antimicrobial activity.
CHLORINE Chlorine, hypochlorites and chloramines are disinfectants that act on proteins and nucleic acids of microorganisms. Oxidize-SH groups and amino groups attack, hidroxifenol indoles and tyrosine.
The product most commonly used chlorine disinfection is sodium hypochlorite (bleach water), which is active against all bacteria, including spores, and is also effective in a wide range of temperatures.
bactericidal activity of sodium hypochlorite is due to hypochlorous acid (HClO) and Cl2 is formed when hypochlorite is diluted in water. The germicidal activity of hypochlorous ion is very limited due to its charge can not easily penetrate the cell through the membrane citoplamática. In contrast, hypochlorous acid is neutral and easily penetrates the cell, while the gas enters as Cl2.
sodium hypochlorite is sold in concentrated solutions (50-100 g / l active chlorine) at alkaline pH in dark containers that promote stability, but is inactive as a disinfectant. Because of this, is to be used dilute solutions in water (which has a slightly acidic pH) in order to obtain hypochlorous acid. Generally, solutions are used with a concentration of 0.1-0.5% active chlorine.
Its activity is influenced by the presence of organic matter, as there may be substances in the environment can react with chlorinated compounds that reduce their effective concentration. Mercurial compounds
These types of compounds combine with SH groups of proteins, inactivating enzymes. Within the organic mercurial are the metaphase and the Merthiolate.
is a weak antiseptic, capable of oxidizing and forming free radicals.
Currently, the gaseous hydrogen peroxide is being used as a surface disinfectant and decontaminate biological cabinets because it lacks the toxic and carcinogenic properties of ethylene oxide and formaldehyde. COLORANTS
interfere in the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins (acridine) or interfere with cell wall synthesis (derived from triphenylmethane). Acridine is inserted between two successive bases of DNA separating them physically. This causes errors in DNA duplication. Triphenylmethane derivatives (gentian violet, malachite green and bright green) block the conversion of UDP-acetylmuramic acid to UDP-Acetylmuramyl-peptide.
R = HSO4-
Brilliant Green R = Cl-Malachite Green
Gentian Violet
alkylating agents are sterilizing agents, active on both vegetative cells and on spores, which exert their lethal effect by alkylating action of proteins and nucleic acids.
Formaldehyde (HCHO). The annihilation occurs
replacing the labile hydrogens of certain chemical groups (-NH2,-OH,-COOH and-SH), producing:
Condensation (crossovers). Commercial uses
As a gas, in the clean room;
As formalin (solution 35% aqueous);
As paraformaldehyde (polymer solid 91-99% purity).
Formalin is used to preserve tissue, embalming fluids, and 0.2-0.4% in the preparation of vaccines.
is less toxic and more potent than formaldehyde and is not affected by proteínas.Cada materials increasingly being used as a cold sterilizing surgical instruments. It is only recommended for sterilization of respiratory therapy equipment.
ethylene oxide.
has an effect similar to that of formaldehyde, substitutions and irreversible crosslinks amino groups, sulfhydryl, ETC. protein. It also reacts with phosphate and nitrogen rings of nucleic acids.
is an agent used as a sterilant gas, but is slow acting. Used when you can not use heat sterilization: sterilization of plastic materials, drugs, certain biological products, electronic equipment. The operation is similar to the autoclave chambers. However, it is an expensive and exhibits a number of risks: present action, blistering toxicity to humans (mutagenic and carcinogenic).
is 25 times more active than formaldehyde. Acts as a gas in the presence of 80-90% relative humidity, although it is slightly pungent.
quaternary ammonium salts (cationic detergent)
detergents are more powerful in terms of disinfectant activity, being active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative. The main ones are called quaternary ammonium compounds:
quaternary ammonium salts, especially those who go as chlorides or bromides. Its general formula can be represented as follows:
The four substituents (R1 to R4) of N are varied hydrocarbon chains. Quaternary ammonium salts most active are those that have three short alkyl groups and alkyl group length: cetylpyridinium chloride, benzalkonium chloride
Mechanism of action: The hydrophobic portion penetrates the membrane, while the polar cationic group associated with the phosphates of phospholipids, causing changes in these membranes, as reflected in the loss of their semi-permeability, with output of metabolites N and P from the cytosol. It is then that the detergent can enter the cell interior, with a side effect of protein denaturation. Its activity is enhanced at alkaline pH.
are rapidly bactericidal at low concentrations (about one part per million, 1 ppm), provided that the material to be treated there is no organic matter.
uses, advantages and disadvantages: They have low toxicity, which can be used as disinfectants and antiseptics to the skin. Are also used to disinfect equipment industries alimentarias.Su activity is neutralized by soaps and phospholipids, precipitating in his presence. ANTIBIOTICS
The term antibiotic was proposed by Selman A. Waksman, discoverer of streptomycin, to identify substances with antimicrobial activity and structures learned from living organisms.
The previous record search shows that in 1889 Jean Paul Vuillemin in a paper entitled "Symbiose et antibiose" antibiosis created the term to describe the struggle between living things for survival. Later, Ward takes this word to describe the microbial antagonism. Later, already in full antibiotic era, the term meant, for some time, a substance extracted from living things, and they be bacteria, fungi, algae, able to override the life of microorganisms.
The antibiotic is a living world. But the advance of technology, the growing knowledge of the formulas of various antibiotics, the possibility of preparing synthetic chemical bases blurred based on the value of their origin.
ACTION OF ANTIBIOTICS Antibiotics can be bacteriostatic (stopping the growth and multiplication cell) or bactericidal (causing death of bacteria). To perform these functions, antibiotics should get in contact with the bacteria.
is believed that antibiotics interfere with bacterial cell surface, causing a change in their ability to reproduce. The proof of the action of an antibiotic in the lab shows how much exposure to the drug is needed to stop the reproduction or to kill bacteria. Although a large amount of an antibiotic would take less time to kill bacteria that cause disease, such doses commonly would make the person suffering from a disease caused by the drug. Therefore, antibiotics are given in a series of small amounts. This ensures that the bacteria are killed or reduced to a sufficient number so that the body can repel. When you take an insufficient amount of antibiotic, bacteria can often develop methods to protect themselves against this antibiotic. So the next time you use the antibiotic against the bacteria will not be effective. ADMINISTRATION OF ANTIBIOTICS
To act against infectious organisms, an antibiotic can be applied externally, as in the case of a cut on the skin surface, or internally, reaching the bloodstream into the body. Antibiotics are produced in various ways and in different ways.
forms of antibiotics are: Local
Topical application means "local area" as the skin, eyes, or mucous membrane. Antibiotics for local use are available as powders, ointments or creams. Oral
There are two forms of action for oral application.
• The tablets, liquids, and capsules that are swallowed. In this case the antibiotic is released in the small intestine to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
• Candy or pills, which dissolve in the mouth, where the antibiotic is absorbed through the membrane mucosa. Parenteral
applications outside the intestine are called parenteral. An application form is injected, which can be subcutaneous (under the skin), intramuscular (into a muscle) or intravenously (into a vein). Parenteral administration of an antibiotic is used when a physician requires a strong and rapid concentration of the antibiotic in the bloodstream. Natural
time to all antibiotics were made from living organisms. This process, known as biosynthesis, is still used in the manufacture of some antibiotics. Organisms are actually those that manufacture the antibiotic. People involved merely provides favorable conditions for agencies to do their job and then extract the drug.
Currently most natural antibiotics are produced by fermentation stages. In this method, strains are grown in high yields under optimal conditions and microorganisms in a nutrient medium within the fermentation tanks of several thousand Liíto capacity. This is a stock that is maintained at a temperature of 25 C (77 F) and is shaken by more than 100 hours. Then the strains are removed from the fermentation broth and the antibiotic is then removed from the broth by filtration, precipitation or any other method Synthetic
All types of penicillin have an identical chemical called core ring. The chemical chain that is attached to the ring is different in each type. Changing the chain molecules, scientists design drugs with potentially different effects on different organisms. Some of these drugs are useful for treating infections, some are not.
Pharmaceutical manufacturers are now using computer-generated images of the rings and experiment with an endless variety of possible strings. The researchers have developed antibiotics with long half-life (the period of effectiveness), which allows one to take medication time in 24 hours instead of every few hours. The newer antibiotics are also more effective against a wider range of infections than they were earlier drugs.
bacterial spectrum.
The action of an antibiotic is measured in terms of bacterial spectrum. It is noted that some antibiotics such as penicillin operate in a restricted area: Gram-negative and gram positive and gram-positive spirochetes. For this reason it is called limited spectrum. Other antibiotics such as tetracycline and chloramphenicol do in many sectors and so they were awarded the name of spectrum. Other antibiotics act on a very limited fraction, eg nistanina on candida albicans. This type of antibiotic spectrum is called selective.
The antibiogram is a test of resistance or susceptibility of bacteria under the action of various antibiotics. If an organism is in contact with the drug and still remains vital capacity, follows the failure of the drug product for the germ. There is resistance to the antibiotic. Conversely if the area surrounding the antibiotic is completely free, ie there is no development of the bacterium that is sensitive to the drug.
The area surrounding the antibiotic, called a halo of inhibition, is of great clinical value to start, continue or change therapy.
Technique: The worker will commonly performed diffusion technique in petri dish, because it is easier and less expensive than the tube dilution technique.
This method was first described by Vincent and Vincent in 1944 and partially modified by other researchers. To the culture medium for bacteria placed in petri dishes, he added disks or tablets of antibiotics, conveniently spaced, incubated for 12 hours to 18 hours at 37 º C, after which is read.
antibiogram techniques require lab experience and knowledge appropriate bacteriological, otherwise mistakes are important clinical consequences.
factors to consider that could cause problems at the time of therapy.
1. Medium consistency;
2. Amount of antibiotic contained in each disc tested;
3. Fresh infective material;
4. Incubation time and expected to read out;
5. Correct measurement (in millimeters) of the inhibitory halo;
6. Quality of inhibition;
7. Provide pollution (possible) use of techniques antibiogram defective. Variety
There are dozens of antibiotics. The following are common: The
Penicillins various types of penicillins are a major group of antibacterial antibiotics of which derives from the benzyl penicillin are the only ones from naturally occurring strains. Penicillin G and ampicillin are in this class. Another penicillin, piperacillin called, has proved effective against 92 percent of infections without causing serious side effects. Penicillins are often given in combination with some other drugs in the following categories. Cephalosporins
Similar to penicillins, cephalosporins are often used as a sensitivity (allergic reaction) to penicillin is known or is suspected in a patient. Ceftriaxone sodium is a type of cephalosporin that is effective against deep infections such as those found in the bones and as a result of surgery.
Aminoglycosides Aminoglycosides include streptomycin and neomycin. These drugs are used to treat tuberculosis, bubonic plague and other infections. Because of the potentially serious side effects it generates, such as interference to hearing and sensitivity to sunlight, these drugs are administered with care. (All antibiotics were administered with care, special care is taken about the possible negative consequences than the usual administration of a drug.)
Tetracyclines Tetracyclines are
effective against pneumonia, typhoid, and other bacteria that cause disease but can damage the liver and kidney function. Tetracycline in a special base gel is used to treat many eye infections. Macrolides
The macrolides are frequently used in patients who happen to be sensitive to penicillin. Erythromycin is the best medicine known in this group. Polypeptides
The class of antibiotics called polypeptides is quite toxic (poisonous) and is used mostly on the surface of the skin (topically). Bacitracin is in this category. Drug Sulfo
The sulphonamide was the first antimicrobial drug was used. Sulfa drugs were made from chemicals, have largely the same effects as later developed penicillin. Although sulfa drugs may have harmful effects on the kidneys at the same time are effective against kidney infections are always made it with plenty of water to prevent crystals from forming drugs. Gantrisin is still the most useful among these sulfa drugs.
Other Antimicrobial
Other antimicrobials include furazolidone and tritethoprim. The former is used primarily in gastrointestinal infections, the later, when combined with one of the sulfonamides, is effective in urinary and respiratory infections antifungal
The antifungal fight disease caused by fungi such as candida. The fungus that causes the infection requires long-term. Drugs such as griseofulvin have often been taken for six months. Most funginales infection occur on the skin or mucous membrane. Antiviral
Very few know about virused treat infections (common cold is an example). A virus is thought to be the smallest infectious agent with the ability to replicate (reproduce) itself. It also has baskets of mutant, or change rapidly. The few drugs that are effective against infections virused meddle with the formation of new, normal cells and therefore used with extreme care. Other microbial drugs have little effect on a virus and are given only to treat bacterial infections that accompany or result from primary viral infection. Resistance and Support
An antibiotic acts by limiting or stand (and thus killing) the growth of a microorganism. Probably does this to meddle with the cell wall of bacteria that is targeted while at the same time have little effect on normal cells of the body.
When one is continually exposed to the antibiotic for an illness of long duration (such as rheumatic fever), the targeted bacteria can develop their own defense drugs. An enzyme that can destroy the drug can be produced by bacteria, or the cell can become resistant to being broken by the action of the antibiotic. When this happens, and often do most with long or frequent treatment with penicillin or streptomycin, the patient is said to be "fast" against drugs. For example, one may be quick to penicillin, meaning that penicillin is not able to help fight infection and should be another type of antibiotic.
allergic reactions to antibiotics are commonly seen as rashes on the skin, but severe anemia (too few red blood cells), disorder stomach, and occasionally may be deafness. once thought that allergic reactions to penicillin antibiotics in particular were frequent and permanent. Recent studies suggest, however, that many people never outgrow their sensitivity or were allergic. The large number of antibiotics that are now available offers a choice of treatment that can, in most instances, prevent allergies caused by drugs.
Okay remember that all drugs can cause undesirable ones, and both effects on the body. Contra-called undesirables, and these must be balanced with the desired effects in determining whether a particular drug does more damage its good effects. It is a fact that all drugs have the potential to be both beneficial and harmful.
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